Existing facility means:

(a) Any facility, the current status of which, including its semiconductor manufacturing capacity, is memorialized in the required agreement entered into by the covered entity and the Secretary pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 4652(a)(6)(C) and based on the Secretary’s assessments of historical capacity measurements. Only facilities built, equipped, and operating prior to entering into the required agreement are considered to be existing facilities. A facility that undergoes significant renovations not memorialized in the required agreement shall no longer qualify as an existing facility.

(b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this section, in the case of a facility that is being equipped, expanded, or modernized at the time of entering into the required agreement, the Secretary may, at their discretion, memorialize the planned semiconductor manufacturing capacity of that facility or any appropriate lower semiconductor manufacturing capacity in the required agreement and deem such facility an existing facility.