15 CFR 715.4 – Deadlines for submitting UDOC declarations, No Changes Authorization Forms, Change in Inspection Status Forms, and amendments
Declarations, No Changes Authorization Forms, Change in Inspection Status Forms, and amendments required under this part must be postmarked by the appropriate dates identified in supplement no. 3 to this part 715 of the CWCR. Required documents under this part include:
(a) Annual Declaration on Past Activities (UDOC production during the previous calendar year);
(b) No Changes Authorization Form (may be completed and submitted to BIS when there are no changes to any information in your plant site’s previously submitted annual declaration on past activities, except the certifying official and the dates signed and submitted); and
(c) Change in Inspection Status Form—May be completed and submitted to BIS if your plant site is currently subject to inspection, pursuant to § 715.1(d)(1) of the CWCR, and you anticipate that the production of UDOCs at your plant site during the current calendar year will remain below the inspection threshold level indicated therein (i.e., 200 metric tons aggregate); and
(d) Amended declaration.