(a) In general, the One-Stop delivery system is a system under which entities responsible for administering separate workforce investment, educational, and other human resource programs and funding streams (referred to as One-Stop partners) collaborate to create a seamless system of service delivery that will enhance access to the programs’ services and improve long-term employment outcomes for individuals receiving assistance.

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(b) Title I of WIA assigns responsibilities at the local, State and Federal level to ensure the creation and maintenance of a One-Stop delivery system that enhances the range and quality of workforce development services that are accessible to individuals seeking assistance.

(c) The system must include at least one comprehensive physical center in each local area that must provide the core services specified in WIA section 134(d)(2), and must provide access to other programs and activities carried out by the One-Stop partners.

(d) While each local area must have at least one comprehensive center (and may have additional comprehensive centers), WIA section 134(c) allows for arrangements to supplement the center. These arrangements may include:

(1) A network of affiliated sites that can provide one or more partners’ programs, services and activities at each site;

(2) A network of One-Stop partners through which each partner provides services that are linked, physically or technologically, to an affiliated site that assures individuals are provided information on the availability of core services in the local area; and

(3) Specialized centers that address specific needs, such as those of dislocated workers.

(e) The design of the local area’s One-Stop delivery system, including the number of comprehensive centers and the supplementary arrangements, must be described in the local plan and be consistent with the Memorandum of Understanding executed with the One-Stop partners.