20 CFR 683.400 – What are the Federal and State monitoring and oversight responsibilities?
(a) The Secretary is authorized to monitor all recipients and subrecipients of all Federal financial assistance awarded and funds expended under title I of WIOA and the Wagner-Peyser Act to determine compliance with these statutes and Department regulations, and may investigate any matter deemed necessary to determine such compliance. Federal oversight will be conducted primarily at the recipient level.
Terms Used In 20 CFR 683.400
- Fiscal year: The fiscal year is the accounting period for the government. For the federal government, this begins on October 1 and ends on September 30. The fiscal year is designated by the calendar year in which it ends; for example, fiscal year 2006 begins on October 1, 2005 and ends on September 30, 2006.
- Oversight: Committee review of the activities of a Federal agency or program.
(b) As funds allow, in each fiscal year, the Secretary also will conduct in-depth reviews in several States, including financial and performance monitoring, to assure that funds are spent in accordance with WIOA and the Wagner-Peyser Act.
(c)(1) Each recipient and subrecipient must monitor grant-supported activities in accordance with 2 CFR part 200.
(2) In the case of grants under secs. 128 and 133 of WIOA, the Governor must develop a State monitoring system that meets the requirements of § 683.410(b). The Governor must monitor Local WDBs and regions annually for compliance with applicable laws and regulations in accordance with the State monitoring system. Monitoring must include an annual review of each local area’s compliance with 2 CFR part 200.
(d) Documentation of monitoring, including monitoring reports and audit work papers, conducted under paragraph (c) of this section, along with corrective action plans, must be made available for review upon request of the Secretary, Governor, or a representative of the Federal government authorized to request the information.