(a) Plan required

Each State educational agency and specially qualified agency desiring a grant under this subpart shall submit a plan to the Secretary at such time and in such manner as the Secretary may require.

(b) Contents

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Each plan submitted under subsection (a) shall—

(1) describe the process that the agency will use in awarding subgrants to eligible entities under section 6824(d)(1) of this title;

(2) describe how the agency will establish and implement, with timely and meaningful consultation with local educational agencies representing the geographic diversity of the State, standardized, statewide entrance and exit procedures, including an assurance that all students who may be English learners are assessed for such status within 30 days of enrollment in a school in the State;

(3) provide an assurance that—

(A) the agency will ensure that eligible entities receiving a subgrant under this subpart comply with the requirement in section 6311(b)(2)(B)(ix) of this title regarding assessment of English learners in English;

(B) the agency will ensure that eligible entities receiving a subgrant under this subpart annually assess the English proficiency of all English learners participating in a program funded under this subpart, consistent with section 6311(b)(2)(G) of this title;

(C) in awarding subgrants under section 6824 of this title, the agency will address the needs of school systems of all sizes and in all geographic areas, including school systems with rural and urban schools;

(D) subgrants to eligible entities under section 6824(d)(1) of this title will be of sufficient size and scope to allow such entities to carry out effective language instruction educational programs for English learners;

(E) the agency will require an eligible entity receiving a subgrant under this subpart to use the subgrant in ways that will build such recipient’s capacity to continue to offer effective language instruction educational programs that assist English learners in meeting challenging State academic standards;

(F) the agency will monitor each eligible entity receiving a subgrant under this subpart for compliance with applicable Federal fiscal requirements; and

(G) the plan has been developed in consultation with local educational agencies, teachers, administrators of programs implemented under this subpart, parents of English learners, and other relevant stakeholders;

(4) describe how the agency will coordinate its programs and activities under this subpart with other programs and activities under this chapter and other Acts, as appropriate;

(5) describe how each eligible entity will be given the flexibility to teach English learners—

(A) using a high-quality, effective language instruction curriculum for teaching English learners; and

(B) in the manner the eligible entity determines to be the most effective;

(6) describe how the agency will assist eligible entities in meeting—

(A) the State-designed long-term goals established under section 6311(c)(4)(A)(ii) of this title, including measurements of interim progress towards meeting such goals, based on the State’s English language proficiency assessment under section 6311(b)(2)(G) of this title; and

(B) the challenging State academic standards;

(7) describe how the agency will meet the unique needs of children and youth in the State being served through the reservation of funds under section 6824(d) of this title; and

(8) describe—

(A) how the agency will monitor the progress of each eligible entity receiving a subgrant under this subpart in helping English learners achieve English proficiency; and

(B) the steps the agency will take to further assist eligible entities if the strategies funded under this subpart are not effective, such as providing technical assistance and modifying such strategies.

(c) Approval

The Secretary, after using a peer review process, shall approve a plan submitted under subsection (a) if the plan meets the requirements of this section.

(d) Duration of plan

(1) In general

Each plan submitted by a State educational agency or specially qualified agency and approved under subsection (c) shall—

(A) remain in effect for the duration of the agency’s participation under this subpart; and

(B) be periodically reviewed and revised by the agency, as necessary, to reflect changes to the agency’s strategies and programs carried out under this subpart.

(2) Additional information

(A) Amendments

If the State educational agency or specially qualified agency amends the plan, the agency shall submit such amendment to the Secretary.

(B) Approval

The Secretary shall approve such amendment to an approved plan, unless the Secretary determines that the amendment will result in the agency not meeting the requirements, or fulfilling the purposes, of this subpart.

(e) Consolidated plan

A plan submitted under subsection (a) may be submitted as part of a consolidated plan under section 7842 of this title.

(f) Secretary assistance

The Secretary shall provide technical assistance, if requested by the State, in the development of English proficiency standards and assessments.