20 USC 9561 – Establishment
(a) Establishment
There is established in the Institute a National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance.
(b) Mission
The mission of the National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance shall be—
(1) to provide technical assistance;
(2) to conduct evaluations of Federal education programs administered by the Secretary (and as time and resources allow, other education programs) to determine the impact of such programs (especially on student academic achievement in the core academic areas of reading, mathematics, and science);
(3) to support synthesis and wide dissemination of results of evaluation, research, and products developed; and
(4) to encourage the use of scientifically valid education research and evaluation throughout the United States.
(c) Grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements
In carrying out the duties under this part, the Director may award grants, enter into contracts and cooperative agreements, and provide technical assistance.