22 CFR 1203.735-303 – Use of inside information
(a) A special Government employee shall not use inside information obtained as a result of Government employment for private gain for the employee or another person either by direct action on the employee’s part or by counsel, recommendation, or suggestion to another person, particularly one with whom the employee has family, business, or financial ties. For the purpose of this section, “inside information” means information obtained under Government authority which has not become part of the body of public information.
Terms Used In 22 CFR 1203.735-303
- Dependent: A person dependent for support upon another.
(b) A special Government employee may engage in teaching, lecturing, or writing that is not prohibited by law, Executive Order 11222 or the restrictions in this part; however, a special Government employee shall not, either for or without compensation, engage in teaching, lecturing, or writing that is dependent on information obtained as a result of his Government employment, except when that information has been made available to the general public or will be made available, or when the head of the agency gives written authoritzation for the use of nonpublic information on the basis that the use is in the public interest. A special Government employee who wishes to request the agency head to authorize the use of nonpublic information should submit such request through the Counselor. The request should contain complete information concerning the nonpublic information which the employee wishes to disclose and should contain in addition an indication of the intended use of such information and how disclosure of it would be in the public interest.