(a) Prohibition

The President shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that assistance under this chapter and the Arms Export Control Act [22 U.S.C. 2751 et seq.] is not provided to or through any individual or entity that the President knows or has reason to believe—

(1) has been convicted of a violation of, or a conspiracy to violate, any law or regulation of the United States, a State or the District of Columbia, or a foreign country relating to narcotic or psychotropic drugs or other controlled substances; or

(2) is or has been an illicit trafficker in any such controlled substance or is or has been a knowing assistor, abettor, conspirator, or colluder with others in the illicit trafficking in any such substance.

(b) Regulations

Terms Used In 22 USC 2291f

  • individual: shall include every infant member of the species homo sapiens who is born alive at any stage of development. See 1 USC 8
  • State: means a State, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or any other territory or possession of the United States. See 1 USC 7

The President shall issue regulations specifying the steps to be taken in carrying out this section.

(c) Congressional review of regulations

Regulations issued pursuant to subsection (b) shall be submitted to the Congress before they take effect.