(a) Amendment to substitute contract units. At the discretion of the PHA and subject to all PBV requirements, the HAP contract may be amended to substitute a different unit with the same number of bedrooms in the same building for a previously covered contract unit. Prior to such substitution, the PHA must inspect the proposed substitute unit and must determine the reasonable rent for such unit.

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(b) Amendment to add contract units. At the discretion of the PHA, and provided that the total number of units in a project that will receive PBV assistance will not exceed 25 percent of the total number of dwelling units in the project (assisted and unassisted), (unless units were initially identified in the HAP contract as excepted from the 25 percent limitation in accordance with § 983.56(b)), or the 20 percent of authorized budget authority as provided in § 983.6, a HAP contract may be amended during the three-year period immediately following the execution date of the HAP contract to add additional PBV contract units in the same project. An amendment to the HAP contract is subject to all PBV requirements (e.g., rents are reasonable), except that a new PBV request for proposals is not required. The anniversary and expiration dates of the HAP contract for the additional units must be the same as the anniversary and expiration dates of the HAP contract term for the PBV units originally placed under HAP contract.

(c) Staged completion of contract units. Even if contract units are placed under the HAP contract in stages commencing on different dates, there is a single annual anniversary for all contract units under the HAP contract. The annual anniversary for all contract units is the annual anniversary date for the first contract units placed under the HAP contract. The expiration of the HAP contract for all the contract units completed in stages must be concurrent with the end of the HAP contract term for the units originally placed under HAP contract.

[70 FR 59913, Oct. 13, 2005. Redesignated and amended at 79 FR 36168, June 25, 2014]