24 CFR 983.51 – Owner proposal selection procedures
(a) Procedures for selecting PBV proposals. The PHA administrative plan must describe the procedures for owner submission of PBV proposals and for PHA selection of PBV proposals. Before selecting a PBV proposal, the PHA must determine that the PBV proposal complies with HUD program regulations and requirements, including a determination that the property is eligible housing (§§ 983.53 and 983.54), complies with the cap on the number of PBV units per project (§ 983.56), and meets the site selection standards (§ 983.57).
(b) Selection of PBV proposals. The PHA must select PBV proposals in accordance with the selection procedures in the PHA administrative plan. The PHA must select PBV proposals by either of the following two methods.
(1) PHA request for PBV Proposals. The PHA may not limit proposals to a single site or impose restrictions that explicitly or practically preclude owner submission of proposals for PBV housing on different sites.
(2) Selection based on previous competition. The PHA may select, without competition, a proposal for housing assisted under a federal, State, or local government housing assistance, community development, or supportive services program that required competitive selection of proposals (e.g., HOME, and units for which competitively awarded low-income housing tax credits (LIHTCs) have been provided), where the proposal has been selected in accordance with such program’s competitive selection requirements within 3 years of the PBV proposal selection date, and the earlier competitively selected housing assistance proposal did not involve any consideration that the project would receive PBV assistance.
(c) Public notice of PHA request for PBV proposals. If the PHA will be selecting proposals under paragraph (b)(1) of this section, PHA procedures for selecting PBV proposals must be designed and actually operated to provide broad public notice of the opportunity to offer PBV proposals for consideration by the PHA. The public notice procedures may include publication of the public notice in a local newspaper of general circulation and other means designed and actually operated to provide broad public notice. The public notice of the PHA request for PBV proposals must specify the submission deadline. Detailed application and selection information must be provided at the request of interested parties.
(d) PHA notice of owner selection. The PHA must give prompt written notice to the party that submitted a selected proposal and must also give prompt public notice of such selection. Public notice procedures may include publication of public notice in a local newspaper of general circulation and other means designed and actually operated to provide broad public notice.
(e) PHA-owned units. A PHA-owned unit may be assisted under the PBV program only if the HUD field office or HUD-approved independent entity reviews the selection process and determines that the PHA-owned units were appropriately selected based on the selection procedures specified in the PHA administrative plan. Under no circumstances may PBV assistance be used with a public housing unit.
(f) Public review of PHA selection decision documentation. The PHA must make documentation available for public inspection regarding the basis for the PHA selection of a PBV proposal.
(g) Owner proposal selection does not require submission of form HUD-2530 or other HUD previous participation clearance.