26 CFR 4.954-1 – Foreign base company income; taxable years beginning after December 31, 1986
(a) In general—(1) Purpose and scope. Section 954 (b) through (g) and §§ 1.954-1T and 1.954-2T provide rules for computing the foreign base company income of a controlled foreign corporation. Foreign base company income is included in the subpart F income of a controlled foreign corporation under the rules of section 952 and the regulations thereunder. Subpart F income is included in the gross income of a United States shareholder of a controlled foreign corporation under the rules of section 951 and the regulations thereunder, and thus is subject to current taxation under section 1 or 11 of the Code. The determination of whether a foreign corporation is a controlled foreign corporation, the subpart F income of which is included currently in the gross income of its United States shareholders, is made under the rules of section 957 and the regulations thereunder.
Terms Used In 26 CFR 4.954-1
- Assets: (1) The property comprising the estate of a deceased person, or (2) the property in a trust account.
- Corporation: A legal entity owned by the holders of shares of stock that have been issued, and that can own, receive, and transfer property, and carry on business in its own name.
- corporation: includes associations, joint-stock companies, and insurance companies. See 26 CFR 36.3121(l)(1)-1
- foreign: when applied to a corporation * * * means a corporation * * * which is not domestic. See 26 CFR 36.3121(l)(1)-1
- Partnership: A voluntary contract between two or more persons to pool some or all of their assets into a business, with the agreement that there will be a proportional sharing of profits and losses.
- Personal property: All property that is not real property.
- stock: includes shares in an association, joint-stock company, or insurance company. See 26 CFR 36.3121(l)(8)-1
(2) Gross foreign base company income. For taxable years of a controlled foreign corporation beginning after December 31, 1986, the gross foreign base company income of a controlled foreign corporation consists of the following categories of gross income:
(i) Its foreign personal holding company income, as defined in section 954(c) and § 1.954-2T,
(ii) Its foreign base company sales income, as defined in section 954(d) and the regulations thereunder,
(iii) Its foreign base company services income, as defined in section 954(e) and the regulations thereunder,
(iv) Its foreign base company shipping income, as defined in section 954(f) and the regulations thereunder, and
(v) Its foreign base company oil related income, as defined in section 954(g) and the regulations thereunder.
(3) Adjusted gross foreign base company income. The term “adjusted gross foreign base company income” means the gross foreign base company income of a controlled foreign corporation as adjusted by the de minimis and full inclusion rules of paragraph (b) of this section.
(4) Net foreign base company income. The term “net foreign base company income” means the adjusted gross foreign base company income of a controlled foreign corporation reduced so as to take account of deductions properly allocable to such income under the rules of section 954(b)(5) and paragraph (c) of this section. In computing net foreign base company income, foreign personal holding company income is reduced (but not below zero) by related person interest expense before allocating and apportioning other expenses in accordance with the rules of paragraph (c) of this section and § 1.904(d)-5(c)(2).
(5) Adjusted net foreign base company income. The term “adjusted net foreign base company income” means the net foreign base company income of a controlled foreign corporation reduced by any items of net foreign base company income for which the high tax exception of paragraph (d) of this section is elected. The term “foreign base company income” as used in the Code and elsewhere in the regulations generally means adjusted net foreign base company income.
(6) Insurance income definitions. The term “gross insurance income” includes any item of gross income taken into account in determining insurance income under section 953 and the regulations thereunder. The term “adjusted gross insurance income” means gross insurance income as adjusted by the de minimis and full inclusion rules of paragraph (b) of this section. The term “net insurance income” means adjusted gross insurance income reduced under section 953 and the regulations thereunder so as to take into account deductions properly allocable or apportionable to such income. The term “adjusted net insurance income” means net insurance income reduced by any items of net insurance income for which the high tax exception of paragraph (d) of this section is elected.
(7) Additional items of adjusted net foreign base company income or adjusted net insurance income by reason of section 952(c). Earnings and profits of the controlled foreign corporation that are recharacterized as foreign base company income or insurance income under section 952(c) are items of adjusted net foreign base company income or adjusted net insurance income. Thus, they are not included in the gross foreign base company income or gross insurance income of the controlled foreign corporation in computing adjusted gross foreign base company income or adjusted gross insurance income (for purposes of applying the de minimis and full inclusion tests of paragraph (b) of this section).
(8) Illustration. The order of computation is illustrated by the following example. Computations in this paragraph (a)(8) and in paragraph (b)(5) of this section involving the operation of section 952(c) are included for purposes of illustration only and do not provide substantive rules concerning the operation of that section.
(ii) Expenses. CFC has expenses for the current taxable year of $500. Of that $500, $8 is from interest paid to a related person and is allocable to foreign personal holding company income along with $2 of other expense. Another $20 of expense is allocable to foreign base company sales. The remaining $470 of expense is allocable to income other than foreign base company income or insurance income.
(iii) Earnings and deficits. CFC has earnings and profits for the current taxable year of $500. In the prior taxable year, CFC had losses with respect to income other than gross foreign base company income or gross insurance income. By reason of the limitation provided under section 952(c)(1)(A) and the regulations thereunder, those losses reduced the subpart F income (consisting entirely of foreign source general limitation income) of CFC by $600 for the prior taxable year.
(iv) Taxes. Foreign tax of $30 is considered imposed on the interest income under the rules of section 954(b)(4) and paragraph (d) of this section. Foreign tax of $14 is considered imposed on the foreign base company sales income under the rules of section 954(b)(4) and paragraph (d) of this section. Foreign tax of $177 is considered imposed on the remaining foreign source general limitation income under the rules of section 954(b)(4) and paragraph (d) of this section. For the taxable year of the foreign corporation, the maximum U.S. rate of taxation under section 11 is 34 percent.
(v) Conclusion. Based on these facts, if CFC elects to exclude all items of income subject to a high foreign tax under section 954(b)(4) and paragraph (d), it will have $500 of subpart F income as defined in section 952(a) (consisting entirely of foreign source general limitation income) determined as follows. The following steps do not illustrate the computation of the subpart F income of a controlled foreign corporation that has income from a trade or service receivable treated as interest under section 864(d)(1) or interest described in section 864(d)(6).
(b) Computation of adjusted gross foreign base company income and adjusted gross insurance income—(1) De minimis rule, etc.—(i) In general. If the de minimis rule of paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this section applies, then adjusted gross foreign base company income and adjusted gross insurance income are each equal to zero. If the full inclusion rule of paragraph (b)(1)(iii) of this section applies, then adjusted gross foreign base company income consists of all items of gross income of the controlled foreign corporation other than gross insurance income, and adjusted gross insurance income consists of all items of gross insurance income. Otherwise, the adjusted gross foreign base company income of a controlled foreign corporation consists of the gross foreign base company income of the controlled foreign corporation, and the adjusted gross insurance income of a controlled foreign corporation consists of the gross insurance income of the controlled foreign corporation.
(ii) Five percent de minimis test—(A) In general. The de minimis rule of this paragraph (b)(1)(ii) applies if the sum of the gross foreign base company income and the gross insurance income of a controlled foreign corporation is less than the lesser of—
(1) 5 percent of gross income, or
(2) $1,000,000.
(B) Coordination with section 864(d). Gross foreign base company income or gross insurance income of a controlled foreign corporation always includes items of income from trade or service receivables described in section 864(d)(1) or (6), even if the de minimis rule of this paragraph (b)(1)(ii) is otherwise applicable. In that case, adjusted gross foreign base company income consists only of the items of income from trade or service receivables described in section 864(d)(1) or (6) that are included in gross foreign base company income, and adjusted gross insurance income consists only of the items of income from trade or service receivables described in section 864(d)(1) or (6) that are included in gross insurance income.
(iii) Seventy percent full inclusion test. The full inclusion rule of this paragraph (b)(1)(iii) applies if the sum of the foreign base company income and the gross insurance income for the taxable year exceeds 70 percent of gross income.
(2) Character of items of gross income included in adjusted gross foreign base company income. The items of gross income included in the adjusted gross foreign base company income of a controlled foreign corporation retain their character as foreign personal holding company income, foreign base company sales income, foreign base company services income, foreign base company shipping income, or foreign base company oil related income. Items of gross income included in adjusted gross income because the full inclusion test of paragraph (b)(1)(iii) of this section is met are termed “full inclusion foreign base company income,” and constitute a separate category of adjusted gross foreign base company income for purposes of allocating and apportioning deductions under paragraph (c) of this section.
(3) Coordination with section 952(c). Items of gross foreign base company income or gross insurance income that are excluded from adjusted foreign base company income or adjusted gross insurance income because the de minimis test of paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this section is met are potentially subject to recharacterization as adjusted net foreign base company income or adjusted net insurance income (or other categories of income included in the computation of subpart F income under section 952 and the regulations thereunder) for the taxable year under the rules of section 952(c). Items of full inclusion foreign base company income that are included in adjusted gross foreign base company income because the full inclusion test of paragraph (b)(1)(iii) of this section is met, and are included in subpart F income under section 952 and the regulations thereunder, do not reduce amounts that, under section 952(c), are subject to recharacterization in later years on account of deficits in prior years.
(4) Anti-abuse rule—(i) In general. For purposes of applying the de minimis and full inclusion tests of paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the income of two or more controlled foreign corporations shall be aggregated and treated as the income of a single corporation if one principal purpose for separately organizing, acquiring, or maintaining such multiple corporations is to avoid the application of the de minimis or full inclusion requirements of paragraph (b)(1) of this section. For purposes of this paragraph (b), a principal purpose need not be the purpose of first importance.
(ii) Presumption. Two or more controlled foreign corporations are presumed to have been organized, acquired or maintained to avoid the effect of the de minimis and full inclusion requirements of paragraph (b)(1) of this section if the corporations are related persons as defined in subdivision (iii) of this paragraph (b)(4) and the corporations are described in subdivision (A), (B), or (C). This presumption may be rebutted by proof to the contrary.
(A) The activities now carried on by the controlled foreign corporations, or the assets used in those activities, are substantially the same activities that were carried on, or assets that were previously held by a single controlled foreign corporation, and the United States shareholders of the controlled foreign corporations or related persons (as determined under subdivision (iii) of this paragraph (b)(4)) are substantially the same as the United States shareholders of the one controlled foreign corporation in that prior taxable year. A presumption made in connection with the requirements of this subdivision (A) of paragraph (b)(4)(ii) may be rebutted by proof that the activities carried on by each controlled foreign corporation would constitute a separate branch under the principles of § 1.367(a)-6T(g) if carried on directly by a United States person.
(B) The controlled foreign corporations carry on a business, financial operation, or venture as partners directly or indirectly in a partnership (as defined in section 7701(a)(2) and § 301.7701-3) that is a related person (as defined in subdivision (iii) of this paragraph (b)(4)) with respect to each such controlled foreign corporation.
(C) The activities carried on by the controlled foreign corporations would constitute a single branch operation under § 1.367(a)-6T(g)(2) if carried on directly by the United States person.
(iii) Related persons. For purposes of this paragraph (b), two or more persons are related persons if they are in a relationship described in section 267(b). In determining for purposes of this paragraph (b) whether two or more corporations are members of the same controlled group under section 267(b)(3), a person is considered to own stock owned directly by such person, stock owned with the application of section 1563(e)(1), and stock owned with the application of section 267(c). In determining for purposes of this paragraph (b) whether a corporation is related to a partnership under section 267(b)(10), a person is considered to own the partnership interest owned directly by such person and the partnership interest owned with the application of section 267(e)(3).
(iv) Illustration. The following example illustrates the application of this paragraph (b)(4).
CFC1 CFC2 CFC3 Gross income $4,000,000 $8,000,000 $12,000,000 Five percent of gross income 200,000 400,000 600,000 Foreign base company income 199,000 398,000 597,000
However, under these facts the requirements of subdivision (i) of this paragraph (b)(4) are presumed to be met. The sum of the foreign base company income of the controlled foreign corporations is $1,194,000. Thus, the amount of adjusted gross foreign base company income will not be less than the amount of gross foreign base company income by reason of the de minimis rule of section 954(b)(3)(A) and this paragraph (b).
(5) Illustration. The following example illustrates computations required by sections 952 and 954 and this § 1.954-1T if the full inclusion test of paragraph (b)(1)(iii) is met (see paragraph (a)(8) for an example illustrating computations required if the de minimis test of paragraph (b)(1)(ii) is met):
(ii) Expenses. CFC has expenses for the current taxable year of $650. Of that $650, $350 is from interest paid to related persons that is allocable to foreign personal holding company income along with $50 of other expense. The remaining $250 of expense is allocable to services income other than foreign base company income or insurance income.
(iii) Earnings and deficits. CFC has earnings and profits for the current taxable year of $350. In the prior taxable year, CFC had losses with respect to income other than foreign base company income or insurance income. By reason of the limitation provided under section 952(c)(1)(A) and the regulations thereunder, those losses reduced the subpart F income of CFC (consisting entirely of foreign source general limitation income) by $600 for the prior taxable year.
(iv) Taxes. A foreign tax of $120 is considered imposed on the $720 of interest income under the rules of section 954(b)(4) and paragraph (d) of this section, and a foreign tax of $2 is considered imposed on the services income under the rules of section 954(b)(4) and paragraph (d) of this section. For the taxable year of the foreign corporation, the maximum U.S. rate of taxation under section 11 is 34 percent.
(v) Conclusion. Based on these facts, if CFC elects to exclude all items of income subject to a high foreign tax under section 954(b)(4) and paragraph (d), it will have $350 of subpart F income as defined in section 952(a) determined as follows:
(c) Computation of net foreign base company income. The net foreign base company income of a controlled foreign corporation is computed by reducing (but not below zero) the amount of gross income in each of the categories of adjusted gross foreign base company income described in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, so as to take into account deductions allocable and apportionable to such income. For purposes of section 954 and this section, expenses must be allocated and apportioned consistent with the allocation and apportionment of expenses for purposes of section 904(d). For purposes of this § 1.954-1T, an item of net foreign base company income must be categorized according to the category of adjusted gross foreign base company income from which it is derived. Thus, an item of net foreign base company income must be categorized as a net item of—
(1) Foreign personal holding company income,
(2) Foreign base company sales income,
(3) Foreign base company services income,
(4) Foreign base company shipping income,
(5) Foreign base company oil related income, or
(6) Full inclusion foreign base company income.
(d) Computation of adjusted net foreign base company income or adjusted net insurance income—(1) Application of high tax exception. Adjusted net foreign base company income (or adjusted net insurance income) equals the net foreign base company income (or net insurance income) of a controlled foreign corporation, reduced by any item of such income (other than foreign base company oil related income as defined in section 954(g)) subject to the high tax exception provided by section 954(b)(4) and this paragraph (d). An item of income is subject to the high tax exception only if—
(i) It is established that the income was subject to creditable income taxes imposed by a foreign country or countries at an effective rate that is greater than 90 percent of the maximum rate of tax specified in section 11 or 15 for the taxable year of the controlled foreign corporation; and
(ii) An election is made under section 954(b)(4) and paragraph (d)(5) of this section to exclude the income from the computation of subpart F income.
(2) Effective rate at which taxes are imposed. For purposes of this paragraph (d), the effective rate at which taxes are imposed on an item of income is—
(i) The amount of income taxes paid or accrued (or deemed paid or accrued) with respect to the item of income, determined under paragraph (d)(3) of this section, divided by
(ii) The item of net foreign base company income or net insurance income, determined under paragraph (d)(4) of this section (including the appropriate amount of income taxes referred to in subdivision (i) of this paragraph (d)(2), immediately above).
(3) Taxes paid or accrued with respect to an item of income—(i) Income other than passive foreign personal holding company income. The amount of income taxes paid or accrued with respect to an item of income (other than an item of foreign personal holding company income that is passive income) for purposes of section 954(b)(4) and this paragraph (d) is the amount of foreign income taxes that would be deemed paid under section 960 with respect to that item if that item were included in the gross income of a U.S. shareholder under section 951(a)(1)(A). For this purpose, the amounts that would be deemed paid under section 960 shall be determined separately with respect to each controlled foreign corporation and without regard to the limitation applicable under section 904(a).
(ii) Passive foreign personal holding company income. The amount of income taxes paid or accrued with respect to an item of foreign personal holding company income that is passive income for purposes of section 954(b)(4) and this paragraph (d) is the amount of foreign income taxes paid or accrued or deemed paid by the foreign corporation that would be taken into account for purposes of applying the provisions of § 1.904-4(c) with respect to that item of income.
(4) Item of income—(i) Income other than passive foreign personal holding company income. The high tax exception applies (when elected) to all income that constitutes a single item under this paragraph (d)(4). A single item of net foreign base company income or net insurance income is an amount of net foreign base company income (other than foreign personal holding company income that is passive income) or net insurance income that:
(A) Falls within a single category of net foreign base company income, as defined in paragraph (c) of this section, or net insurance income, and
(B) Also falls within a single separate limitation category for purposes of sections 904(d) and 960 and the regulations thereunder.
(ii) Passive foreign personal holding company income—(A) In general. For purposes of this paragraph (d) a single item of net foreign personal holding company income that is passive income is an amount of such income that falls within a single group of passive income under the grouping rules of § 1.904-4(c) (3), (4), and (5).
(B) Consistency rule. An election to exclude income from subpart F must be consistently made with respect to all items of passive foreign personal holding company income eligible to be excluded. Thus, high-taxed passive foreign personal holding company income of a controlled foreign corporation must be excluded in its entirety, or remain subject to subpart F.
(5) Procedure. The election provided by this paragraph (d) must be made—
(i) By controlling United States shareholders, as defined in § 1.964-1(c)(5), by attaching a statement to such effect with their original or amended income tax returns, and including any additional information required by subsequent administrative pronouncements, or
(ii) In such other manner as may be prescribed in subsequent administrative pronouncements.
(6) Illustrations. The rules of this paragraph (d) are illustrated by the following examples.
(ii) Effective rates of tax. No foreign tax would be deemed paid under section 960 with respect to item (1). Therefore, the effective rate of foreign tax is 0, and the item may not be excluded from subpart F under the rules of this paragraph (d). Foreign tax of $50 would be deemed paid under section 960 with respect to item (2). Therefore, the effective rate of foreign tax is 33 percent ($50 of creditable taxes paid, divided by $150, consisting of the item of net foreign base company income ($100) plus creditable taxes paid thereon ($50). The highest rate of tax specified in section 11 for the 1987 taxable year is 34 percent. Accordingly, item (2) may be excluded from subpart F pursuant to an election under paragraph (d)(5) of this section, since it is subject to foreign tax at an effective rate that is greater than 30.6 percent (90 percent of 34 percent). However, it remains high withholding tax interest when included.
(e) Character of an item of income—(1) Substance of the transaction. For purposes of section 954 and the regulations thereunder, items of income shall be characterized in accordance with the substance of the transaction, and not in accordance with the designation applied by the parties to the transaction. For example, an amount received as “rent” which actually constitutes income from the sale of property, royalties, or income from services shall not be characterized as “rent” but shall be characterized as income from the sale of property, royalties or income from services, respectively. Local law shall not be controlling in characterizing an item of income.
(2) Separable character. To the extent one of the definitional provisions of section 953 or 954 describes a portion of the income or gain derived from a transaction, that portion of income or gain is so characterized. Thus, a single transaction may give rise to income in more than one category of foreign base company income described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section. For example, if a controlled foreign corporation, in its business of purchasing and selling personal property, receives interest (including imputed interest and market discount) on an account receivable arising from a sale, a portion of the income derived from the transaction by the controlled foreign corporation will be interest, and another portion will be gain (or loss) from the sale of personal property. If the sale is denominated in a currency other than a functional currency as defined in section 985 and the regulations thereunder, the controlled foreign corporation may have additional income in the form of foreign currency gain as defined in section 988.
(3) Predominant character. The portion of income derived from a transaction that meets the definition of foreign personal holding company income is always separately determinable, and thus must always be segregated from other income and separately classified under paragraph (2) of this paragraph (e). However, the portion of income derived from a transaction that would meet a particular definitional provision under section 954 or 953 and the regulations thereunder (other than the definition of foreign personal holding company income) in unusual circumstances may be indeterminable. If such portion is indeterminable, it must be classified in accordance with the predominant character of the transaction. For example, if a controlled foreign corporation engineers, fabricates, and installs a fixed offshore drilling platform as part of an integrated transaction, and the portion of income that relates to services is not accounted for separately from the portion that relates to sales, and is otherwise indeterminable, then the classification of income from the transaction shall be made in accordance with the predominant character of the particular integrated arrangement.
(4) Coordination of categories of gross foreign base company income or gross insurance income. The definitions of gross foreign base company income and gross insurance income are limited by the following rules (to be applied in numerical order):
(i) If an item of income is included in subpart F income under section 952(a)(1) and the regulations thereunder as insurance income, it is by definition excluded from any other category of subpart F income.
(ii) If an item of income is included in the foreign base company oil related income of a controlled foreign corporation, it is by definition excluded from any other category of foreign base company income, other than as provided in subdivision (i) of this paragraph (e)(4).
(iii) If an item of income is included in the foreign base company shipping income of a controlled foreign corporation, it is by definition excluded from any other category of foreign base company income, other than as provided in subdivisions (i) and (ii) of this paragraph (e)(4).
(iv) If an item of income is included in foreign personal holding company income of a controlled foreign corporation, it is by definition not included in any other category of foreign base company income, other than as provided in subdivisions (i), (ii), and (iii) of this paragraph (e)(4).