29 CFR 575.6 – Procedure for action on an application
(a) Upon receipt of an application for a waiver, the Administrator shall review all of the information and supporting data. If sufficient, the Administrator shall grant a waiver; if insufficient, the Administrator may seek further information. If such information is not made available to the Administrator, the Administrator shall deny the waiver.
(b) The Administrator shall deny the application for a waiver from any employer against whom a final civil money penalty is outstanding under section 16(e) of the Act for violation of the child labor provisions of the Act.
(c) The waiver, in the form of a letter signed by the Administrator, shall set forth the terms and conditions for employment under the waiver as provided in §§ 575.7 and 575.8. The waiver shall be issued to the employer or group of employers applying for it.
(d) If a waiver is granted there will be published in the
(e) If a waiver is denied, the Administrator shall give written notice of such denial to the employer or group of employers applying for a waiver. Such denial will be without prejudice to the filing of any subsequent application.