30 CFR 817.62 – Use of explosives: Preblasting survey
(a) At least 30 days before initiation of blasting, the operator shall notify, in writing, all residents or owners of dwellings or other structures located within
(b) A resident or owner of a dwelling or structure within
(c) The operator shall determine the condition of the dwelling or structure and shall document any preblasting damage and other physical factors that could reasonably be affected by the blasting. Structures such as pipelines, cables, transmission lines, and cisterns, wells, and other water systems warrant special attention; however, the assessment of these structures may be limited to surface conditions and other readily available data.
(d) The written report of the survey shall be signed by the person who conducted the survey. Copies of the report shall be promptly provided to the regulatory authority and to the person requesting the survey. If the person requesting the survey disagrees with the contents and/or recommendations contained therein, he or she may submit to both the operator and the regulatory authority a detailed description of the specific areas of disagreement.
(e) Any surveys requested more than 10 days before the planned initiation of blasting shall be completed by the operator before the initiation of blasting.