(a) Schedules

Subject to the provisions of subsection (b) of this section, benefit payments shall be made by the Secretary under this part as follows:

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Terms Used In 30 USC 922

  • Dependent: A person dependent for support upon another.
  • Entitlement: A Federal program or provision of law that requires payments to any person or unit of government that meets the eligibility criteria established by law. Entitlements constitute a binding obligation on the part of the Federal Government, and eligible recipients have legal recourse if the obligation is not fulfilled. Social Security and veterans' compensation and pensions are examples of entitlement programs.
  • individual: shall include every infant member of the species homo sapiens who is born alive at any stage of development. See 1 USC 8
  • Settlement: Parties to a lawsuit resolve their difference without having a trial. Settlements often involve the payment of compensation by one party in satisfaction of the other party's claims.
  • State: means a State, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or any other territory or possession of the United States. See 1 USC 7

(1) In the case of total disability of a miner due to pneumoconiosis, the disabled miner shall be paid benefits during the disability at a rate equal to 37½ per centum of the monthly pay rate for Federal employees in grade GS-2, step 1.

(2) In the case of death of a miner due to pneumoconiosis or, except with respect to a claim filed under part C of this subchapter on or after the effective date of the Black Lung Benefits Amendments of 1981, of a miner receiving benefits under this part, benefits shall be paid to his widow (if any) at the rate the deceased miner would receive such benefits if he were totally disabled.

(3) In the case of the child or children of a miner whose death is due to pneumoconiosis or, except with respect to a claim filed under part C of this subchapter on or after the effective date of the Black Lung Benefits Amendments of 1981, of a miner who is receiving benefits under this part at the time of his death or who was totally disabled by pneumoconiosis at the time of his death, in the case of the child or children of a widow who is receiving benefits under this part at the time of her death, and in the case of any child or children entitled to the payment of benefits under paragraph (5) of section 921(c) of this title, benefits shall be paid to such child or children as follows: If there is one such child, he shall be paid benefits at the rate specified in paragraph (1). If there is more than one such child, the benefits paid shall be divided equally among them and shall be paid at a rate equal to the rate specified in paragraph (1), increased by 50 per centum of such rate if there are two such children, by 75 per centum of such rate if there are three such children, and by 100 per centum of such rate if there are more than three such children: Provided, That benefits shall only be paid to a child for so long as he meets the criteria for the term “child” contained in section 902(g) of this title: And provided further, That no entitlement to benefits as a child shall be established under this paragraph (3) for any month for which entitlement to benefits as a widow is established under paragraph (2).

(4) In the case of an individual entitled to benefit payments under clause (1) or (2) of this subsection who has one or more dependents, the benefit payments shall be increased at the rate of 50 per centum of such benefit payments, if such individual has one dependent, 75 per centum if such individual has two dependents, and 100 per centum if such individual has three or more dependents.

(5) In the case of the dependent parent or parents of a miner whose death is due to pneumoconiosis, or, except with respect to a claim filed under part C of this subchapter on or after the effective date of the Black Lung Benefits Amendments of 1981, of a miner who is receiving benefits under this part at the time of his death or who was totally disabled by pneumoconiosis at the time of death, and who is not survived at the time of his death by a widow or a child, in the case of the dependent surviving brother(s) or sister(s) of such a miner who is not survived at the time of his death by a widow, child, or parent, in the case of the dependent parent or parents of a miner (who is not survived at the time of his or her death by a widow or a child) who are entitled to the payment of benefits under paragraph (5) of section 921(c) of this title, or in the case of the dependent surviving brother(s) or sister(s) of a miner (who is not survived at the time of his or her death by a widow, child, or parent) who are entitled to the payment of benefits under paragraph (5) of section 921(c) of this title, benefits shall be paid under this part to such parent(s), or to such brother(s), or sister(s), at the rate specified in paragraph (3) (as if such parent(s) or such brother(s) or sister(s), were the children of such miner). In determining for purposes of this paragraph whether a claimant bears the relationship as the miner’s parent, brother, or sister, the Secretary shall apply legal standards consistent with those applicable to relationship determination under title II of the Social Security Act [42 U.S.C. 401 et seq.]. No benefits to a sister or brother shall be payable under this paragraph for any month beginning with the month in which he or she receives support from his or her spouse, or marries. Benefits shall be payable under this paragraph to a brother only if he is—

(1)(A) under eighteen years of age, or

(B) under a disability as defined in section 223(d) of the Social Security Act [42 U.S.C. 423(d)] which began before the age specified in section 202(d)(1)(B)(ii) of such Act [42 U.S.C. 402(d)(1)(B)(ii)], or in the case of a student, before he ceased to be a student, or

(C) a student as defined in section 902(g) of this title; or

(2) who is, at the time of the miner’s death, disabled as determined in accordance with section 223(d) of the Social Security Act [42 U.S.C. 423(d)], during such disability. Any benefit under this paragraph for a month prior to the month in which a claim for such benefit is filed shall be reduced to any extent that may be necessary, so that it will not render erroneous any benefit which, before the filing of such claim, the Secretary has certified for payment for such prior months. As used in this paragraph, “dependent” means that during the one year period prior to and ending with such miner’s death, such parent, brother, or sister was living in the miner’s household, and was, during such period, totally dependent on the miner for support. Proof of such support shall be filed by such claimant within two years after May 1972, or within two years after the miner’s death, whichever is the later. Any such proof which is filed after the expiration of such period shall be deemed to have been filed within such period if it is shown to the satisfaction of the Secretary that there was good cause for failure to file such proof within such period. The determination of what constitutes “living in the miner’s household”, “totally dependent upon the miner for support,” and “good cause,” shall for purposes of this paragraph be made in accordance with regulations of the Secretary. Benefit payments under this paragraph to a parent, brother, or sister, shall be reduced by the amount by which such payments would be reduced on account of excess earnings of such parent, brother, or sister, respectively, under section 203(b)-(l) of the Social Security Act [42 U.S.C. 403(b)-(l)], as if the benefit under this paragraph were a benefit under section 202 of such Act [42 U.S.C. 402].

(6) If an individual’s benefits would be increased under paragraph (4) of this subsection because he or she has one or more dependents, and it appears to the Secretary that it would be in the interest of any such dependent to have the amount of such increase in benefits (to the extent attributable to such dependent) certified to a person other than such individual, then the Secretary may, under regulations prescribed by him, certify the amount of such increase in benefits (to the extent so attributable) not to such individual but directly to such dependent or to another person for the use and benefit of such dependent; and any payment made under this clause, if otherwise valid under this subchapter, shall be a complete settlement and satisfaction of all claims, rights, and interests in and to such payment.

(b) Reduction of benefits

Notwithstanding subsection (a), benefit payments under this section to a miner or his widow, child, parent, brother, or sister shall be reduced, on a monthly or other appropriate basis, by an amount equal to any payment received by such miner or his widow, child, parent, brother, or sister under the workmen’s compensation, unemployment compensation, or disability insurance laws of his State on account of the disability of such miner due to pneumoconiosis, and the amount by which such payment would be reduced on account of excess earnings of such miner under section 203(b) through (l) of the Social Security Act [42 U.S.C. 403(b) to (l)] if the amount paid were a benefit payable under section 202 of such Act [42 U.S.C. 402]. This part shall not be considered a workmen’s compensation law or plan for purposes of section 224 of such Act [42 U.S.C. 424a].

(c) Reporting of income

Benefits payable under this part shall be deemed not to be income for purposes of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.