33 CFR 125.15 – Access to waterfront facilities, and port and harbor areas, including vessels and harbor craft therein
(a) The Commandant will, from time to time, direct Captains of the Port of certain ports to prevent access of persons who do not possess one or more of the identification credentials listed in § 125.09 to those waterfront facilities, and port and harbor areas, including vessels and harbor craft therein, where the following shipping activities are conducted:
(1) Those vital to the Military Defense Assistance Program.
(2) Those pertaining to the support of U.S. military operations.
(3) Those pertaining to loading and unloading explosives and other dangerous cargo.
(4) Those essential to the interests of national security and defense, to prevent loss, damage or injury, or to insure the observance of rights and obligations of the United States.
(b) No person who does not possess one of the identification credentials aforesaid shall enter or remain in such facilities, or port or harbor areas, including vessels and harbor craft therein.
(c) The Captain of the Port shall give local public notice of the restriction of access to waterfront facilities, and port and harbor areas, including vessels and harbor craft therein, as far in advance as practicable, and shall cause such facilities and areas to be suitably marked as to such restriction.