33 CFR 80.712 – Morris Island, SC to Hilton Head Island, SC
(a) A line drawn from the easternmost tip of Folly Island to 32°41?37? N., 079°53?03? W. (abandoned lighthouse tower) on the northside of Lighthouse Inlet; thence west to the shoreline of Morris Island.
(b) A line drawn from the seaward tangent of Folly Island across Stono River to the shoreline of Sandy Point.
(c) A line drawn from the southernmost extremity of Seabrook Island 257° true across the North Edisto River Entrance to the shore of Botany Bay Island.
(d) A line drawn from the microwave antenna tower on Edisto Beach charted in approximate position latitude 32°28.3? N. longitude 80°19.2? W. across St. Helena Sound to the abandoned lighthouse tower on Hunting Island.
(e) A line formed by the centerline of the highway bridge between Hunting Island and Fripp Island.
(f) A line drawn from the westernmost extremity of Bull Point on Capers Island to Port Royal Sound Channel Range Rear Light, latitude 32°13.7? N., longitude 80°36.0? W.; thence 259° true to the easternmost extremity of Hilton Head at latitude 32°13.0? N., longitude 80°40.1? W.