40 CFR 1066.1010 – Incorporation by reference
Certain material is incorporated by reference into this part with the approval of the Director of the Federal Register under 5 U.S.C. § 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. To enforce any edition other than that specified in this section, EPA must publish a document in the
(a) National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 1070, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-1070; (301) 975-6478; www.nist.gov.
(1) NIST Special Publication 811, 2008 Edition, Guide for the Use of the International System of Units (SI), Physics Laboratory, March 2008; IBR approved for §§ 1066.20(a); 1066.1005.
(2) [Reserved]
(b) SAE International, 400 Commonwealth Dr., Warrendale, PA 15096-0001; (877) 606-7323 (U.S. and Canada) or (724) 776-4970 (outside the U.S. and Canada); www.sae.org.
(1) SAE J1263 MAR2010, Road Load Measurement and Dynamometer Simulation Using Coastdown Techniques, Revised March 2010, (“SAE J1263”); IBR approved for §§ 1066.301(b); 1066.305(a); 1066.310(b).
(2) SAE J1634 JUL2017, Battery Electric Vehicle Energy Consumption and Range Test Procedure, Revised July 2017, (“SAE J1634”); IBR approved for § 1066.501(a).
(3) SAE J1711 JUN2010, Recommended Practice for Measuring the Exhaust Emissions and Fuel Economy of Hybrid-Electric Vehicles, Including Plug-In Hybrid Vehicles, Revised June 2010, (“SAE J1711”); IBR approved for §§ 1066.501(a); 1066.1001.
(4) SAE J2263 DEC2008, Road Load Measurement Using Onboard Anemometry and Coastdown Techniques, Revised December 2008; IBR approved for §§ 1066.301(b); 1066.305; 1066.310(b).
(5) SAE J2263 MAY2020, (R) Road Load Measurement Using Onboard Anemometry and Coastdown Techniques, Revised May 2020, (“SAE J2263”); IBR approved for §§ 1066.301(b); 1066.305; 1066.310(b).
(6) SAE J2264 JAN2014, Chassis Dynamometer Simulation of Road Load Using Coastdown Techniques, Revised January 2014, (“SAE J2264”); IBR approved for § 1066.315.
(7) SAE J2711 MAY2020, (R) Recommended Practice for Measuring Fuel Economy and Emissions of Hybrid-Electric and Conventional Heavy-Duty Vehicles, Revised May 2020, (“SAE J2711”); IBR approved for §§ 1066.501(a); 1066.1001.
(8) SAE J2951 JAN2014, Drive Quality Evaluation for Chassis Dynamometer Testing, Revised January 2014, (“SAE J2951”); IBR approved for § 1066.425(j).