40 CFR 1500.5 – Reducing delay
Agencies shall reduce delay by:
(a) Using categorical exclusions to define categories of actions that normally do not have a significant effect on the human environment (§ 1501.4 of this chapter) and therefore do not require preparation of an environmental impact statement.
(b) Using a finding of no significant impact when an action not otherwise excluded will not have a significant effect on the human environment (§ 1501.6 of this chapter) and therefore does not require preparation of an environmental impact statement.
(c) Integrating the NEPA process into early planning (§ 1501.2 of this chapter).
(d) Engaging in interagency cooperation before or as the environmental assessment or environmental impact statement is prepared, rather than awaiting submission of comments on a completed document (§§ 1501.7 and 1501.8 of this chapter).
(e) Ensuring the swift and fair resolution of lead agency disputes (§ 1501.7 of this chapter).
(f) Using the scoping process for an early identification of what are and what are not the real issues (§ 1501.9 of this chapter).
(g) Meeting appropriate time limits for the environmental assessment and environmental impact statement processes (§ 1501.10 of this chapter).
(h) Preparing environmental impact statements early in the process (§ 1502.5 of this chapter).
(i) Integrating NEPA requirements with other environmental review and consultation requirements (§ 1502.24 of this chapter).
(j) Eliminating duplication with State, Tribal, and local procedures by providing for joint preparation of environmental documents where practicable (§ 1506.2 of this chapter) and with other Federal procedures by providing that agencies may jointly prepare or adopt appropriate environmental documents prepared by another agency (§ 1506.3 of this chapter).
(k) Combining environmental documents with other documents (§ 1506.4 of this chapter).
(l) Using accelerated procedures for proposals for legislation (§ 1506.8 of this chapter).