The following statutes provide the authority to donate surplus Federal property to different types of recipients:

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(a) Section 549(d) of Title 40, United States Code authorizes surplus property under the control of the Department of Defense (DOD) to be donated, through SASPs, to educational activities which are of special interest to the armed services (referred to in this part 102-37 as service educational activities or SEAs).

(b) Section 549(c)(3) of title 40, United States Code authorizes SASPs to donate surplus property to public agencies and to nonprofit educational or public health institutions, such as:

(1) Medical institutions.

(2) Hospitals.

(3) Clinics.

(4) Health centers.

(5) Drug abuse or alcohol treatment centers.

(6) Providers of assistance to homeless individuals.

(7) Providers of assistance to impoverished families and individuals.

(8) Schools.

(9) Colleges.

(10) Universities.

(11) Schools for the mentally disabled.

(12) Schools for the physically disabled.

(13) Child care centers.

(14) Radio and television stations licensed by the Federal Communications Commission as educational radio or educational television stations.

(15) Museums attended by the public.

(16) Libraries, serving free all residents of a community, district, State or region.

(17) Historic light stations as defined under section 308(e)(2) of the National Historic Preservation Act (16 U.S.C. §§ 470w-7(e)(2)), including a historic light station conveyed under subsection (b) of that section, notwithstanding the number of hours that the historic light station is open to the public.

(c) Section 213 of the Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended (42 U.S.C. § 3020d), authorizes donations of surplus property to State or local government agencies, or nonprofit organizations or institutions, that receive Federal funding to conduct programs for older individuals.

(d) Section 549(c)(3)(C) of title 40, United States Code authorizes SASPs to donate property to veterans organizations, for purposes of providing services to veterans (as defined in section 101 of title 38). Eligible veterans organizations are those whose:

(1) Membership comprises substantially veterans; and

(2) Representatives are recognized by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs under section 5902 of title 38.

[67 FR 2584, Jan. 18, 2002, as amended at 71 FR 23868, Apr. 25, 2006; 72 FR 12572, Mar. 16, 2007; 79 FR 64514, Oct. 30, 2014]