42 CFR 440.1 – Basis and purpose
This subpart interprets and implements the following sections of the Act:
1902(a)(70), State option to establish a non-emergency medical transportation program.
1905(a) Services included in the term “medical assistance.”
1905 (c), (d), (f) through (i), (l), and (m) Definitions of institutions and services that are included in the term “medical assistance.”
1913 “Swing-bed” services. (See §§ 447.280 and 482.58 of this chapter for related provisions on “swing-bed” services.)
1915(c) Home and community-based services listed as “medical assistance” and furnished under waivers under that section to individuals who would otherwise require the level of care furnished in a hospital, NF, or ICF/IID.
1915(d) Home and community-based services listed as “medical assistance” and furnished under waivers under that section to individuals age 65 or older who would otherwise require the level of care furnished in a NF.
1915(i) Home and community-based services furnished under a State plan to elderly and disabled individuals.