42 CFR 488.1240 – Suspension of payment for all new patient admissions
(a) Application. (1) CMS may suspend payment for all new admissions to a hospice program on or after the date on which the Secretary determines that remedies should be imposed.
(2) CMS considers the remedy in paragraph (a)(1) of this section for any deficiency related to poor patient care outcomes, regardless of whether the deficiency poses immediate jeopardy.
(b) Procedures—(1) Notice of intent. (i) Before suspending payments for all new admissions, CMS provides the hospice program notice of the suspension of payment in accordance with § 488.1210(e).
(ii) The hospice program may not charge a newly admitted hospice patient who is a Medicare beneficiary for services for which Medicare payment is suspended unless the hospice program can show that, before initiating care, it gave the patient or his or her representative oral and written notice of the suspension of Medicare payment in a language and manner that the beneficiary or representative can understand.
(2) Restriction. (i) The suspension of payment for all new admissions remedy may be imposed anytime a hospice program is found to be out of substantial compliance with the conditions of participation.
(ii) The suspension of payment for all new admissions remains in place until CMS determines that the hospice program has achieved substantial compliance with the conditions of participation or is terminated, as determined by CMS.
(3) Resumption of payments. Payments for all new admissions to the hospice program resume prospectively on the date that CMS determines that the hospice program has achieved substantial compliance with the conditions of participation.
(c) Duration and effect of remedy. The remedy in paragraph (a) of this section ends when any of the following occur—
(1) CMS determines that the hospice program has achieved substantial compliance with all of the conditions of participation.
(2) When the hospice program is terminated or CMS determines that the hospice program is not in compliance with the conditions of participation at a maximum of 6 months from the date of the survey identifying the noncompliance.