(a) Definitions

In this section:

(1) Committee

The term “Committee” means the Industrial Technology Innovation Advisory Committee established under subsection (b).

(2) Director

The term “Director” means the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy.

(3) Emissions reduction

The term “emissions reduction” has the meaning given the term in section 17113(a) of this title.

(4) Program

The term “program” means the industrial emissions reduction technology development program established under section 17113(b)(1) of this title.

(b) Establishment

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Terms Used In 42 USC 17114

  • State: means a State, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or any other territory or possession of the United States. See 1 USC 7

Not later than 180 days after December 27, 2020, the Secretary, in consultation with the Director, shall establish an advisory committee, to be known as the “Industrial Technology Innovation Advisory Committee”.

(c) Membership

(1) Appointment

The Committee shall be comprised of not fewer than 16 members and not more than 20 members, who shall be appointed by the Secretary, in consultation with the Director.

(2) Representation

Members appointed pursuant to paragraph (1) shall include—

(A) not less than 1 representative of each relevant Federal agency, as determined by the Secretary;

(B) the Chair of the Secretary of Energy Advisory Board, if that position is filled;

(C) not less than 2 representatives of labor groups;

(D) not less than 3 representatives of the research community, which shall include academia and National Laboratories;

(E) not less than 2 representatives of nongovernmental organizations;

(F) 1 not less than 6 representatives of small- and large-scale industry, the collective expertise of which shall cover every focus area described in section 17113(c) of this title; and 2

(F) 1 not less than 1 representative of a State government; and

(G) any other individuals the Secretary, in coordination with the Director, determines to be necessary to ensure that the Committee is comprised of a diverse group of representatives of industry, academia, independent researchers, and public and private entities.

(3) Chair

The Secretary shall designate a member of the Committee to serve as Chair.

(d) Duties

(1) In general

The Committee shall—

(A) in consultation with the Secretary and the Director, propose missions and goals for the program, which shall be consistent with the purposes of the program described in section 17113(b)(1) of this title; and

(B) advise the Secretary with respect to the program—

(i) by identifying and evaluating any technologies being developed by the private sector relating to the focus areas described in section 17113(c) of this title;

(ii) by identifying technology gaps in the private sector or other Federal agencies in those focus areas, and making recommendations to address those gaps;

(iii) by surveying and analyzing factors that prevent the adoption of emissions reduction technologies by the private sector; and

(iv) by recommending technology screening criteria for technology developed under the program to encourage adoption of the technology by the private sector; and

(C) develop the strategic plan described in paragraph (2).

(2) Strategic plan

(A) Purpose

The purpose of the strategic plan developed under paragraph (1)(C) is to set forth a plan for achieving the goals of the program established in section 17113(b)(1) of this title, including for the focus areas described in section 17113(c) of this title.

(B) Contents

The strategic plan developed under paragraph (1)(C) shall—

(i) specify near-term and long-term qualitative and quantitative objectives relating to each focus area described in section 17113(c) of this title, including research, development, demonstration, and commercial application objectives;

(ii) leverage existing roadmaps relevant to the program in section 17113(b)(1) of this title and the focus areas in section 17113(c) of this title;

(iii) specify the anticipated timeframe for achieving the objectives specified under clause (i);

(iv) include plans for developing emissions reduction technologies that are globally cost-competitive, including, as applicable, in developing economies;

(v) identify the appropriate role for investment by the Federal Government, in coordination with the private sector, to achieve the objectives specified under clause (i);

(vi) identify the public and private costs of achieving the objectives specified under clause (i); and

(vii) estimate the economic and employment impact in the United States of achieving those objectives.

(e) Meetings

(1) Frequency

The Committee shall meet not less frequently than 2 times per year, at the call of the Chair.

(2) Initial meeting

Not later than 30 days after the date on which the members are appointed under subsection (b), the Committee shall hold its first meeting.

(f) Committee report

(1) In general

Not later than 2 years after December 27, 2020, and not less frequently than once every 3 years thereafter, the Committee shall submit to the Secretary a report on the progress of achieving the purposes of the program.

(2) Contents

The report under paragraph (1) shall include—

(A) a description of any technology innovation opportunities identified by the Committee;

(B) a description of any technology gaps identified by the Committee under subsection (d)(1)(B)(ii);

(C) recommendations for improving technology screening criteria and management of the program;

(D) an evaluation of the progress of the program and the research, development, and demonstration activities funded under the program;

(E) any recommended changes to the focus areas of the program described in section 17113(c) of this title;

(F) a description of the manner in which the Committee has carried out the duties described in subsection (d)(1) and any relevant findings as a result of carrying out those duties;

(G) if necessary, an update to the strategic plan developed by the Committee under subsection (d)(1)(C);

(H) the progress made in achieving the goals set out in that strategic plan;

(I) a review of the management, coordination, and industry utility of the program;

(J) an assessment of the extent to which progress has been made under the program in developing commercial, cost-competitive technologies in each focus area described in section 17113(c) of this title; and

(K) an assessment of the effectiveness of the program in coordinating efforts within the Department and with other Federal agencies to achieve the purposes of the program.

(g) Report to Congress

Not later than 60 days after receiving a report from the Committee under subsection (f), the Secretary shall submit a copy of that report to the Committees on Appropriations and Science, Space, and Technology of the House of Representatives, the Committees on Appropriations and Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate, and any other relevant Committee of Congress.

(h) Applicability of Federal Advisory Committee Act

Except as otherwise provided in this section, the Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App.) 3 shall apply to the Committee.