(a) In general

The Secretary, acting through the Assistant Secretary, shall maintain the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline program (referred to in this section as the “program”), authorized under section 290bb-32 of this title and in effect prior to December 13, 2016.

(b) Activities

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In maintaining the program, the activities of the Secretary shall include—

(1) supporting and coordinating a network of crisis centers across the United States for providing suicide prevention and mental health crisis intervention services, including appropriate follow-up services, to individuals seeking help at any time, day or night;

(2) maintaining a suicide prevention hotline to link callers to local emergency, mental health, and social services resources;

(3) consulting with the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to ensure that veterans calling the suicide prevention hotline have access to a specialized veterans’ suicide prevention hotline;

(4) improving awareness of the program for suicide prevention and mental health crisis intervention services, including by conducting an awareness initiative and ongoing outreach to the public; and

(5) improving the collection and analysis of demographic information, in a manner that protects personal privacy, consistent with applicable Federal and State privacy laws, in order to understand disparities in access to the program among individuals who are seeking help.

(c) Plan

(1) In general

For purposes of supporting the crisis centers under subsection (b)(1) and maintaining the suicide prevention hotline under subsection (b)(2), the Secretary shall develop and implement a plan to ensure the provision of high-quality services.

(2) Contents

The plan required by paragraph (1) shall include the following:

(A) Program evaluation, including performance measures to assess progress toward the goals and objectives of the program and to improve the responsiveness and performance of the hotline, including at all backup call centers.

(B) Requirements that crisis centers and backup centers must meet—

(i) to participate in the network under subsection (b)(1); and

(ii) to ensure that each telephone call and applicable other communication received by the hotline, including at backup call centers, is answered in a timely manner, consistent with evidence-based guidance or other guidance or best practices, as appropriate.

(C) Specific recommendations and strategies for implementing evidence-based practices, including with respect to followup and communicating the availability of resources in the community for individuals in need.

(D) Criteria for carrying out periodic testing of the hotline during each fiscal year, including at crisis centers and backup centers, to identify and address any problems in a timely manner.

(3) Consultation

In developing requirements under paragraph (2)(B), the Secretary shall consult with State departments of health, local governments, Indian Tribes, and Tribal organizations.

(4) Initial plan; updates

The Secretary shall—

(A) not later than 1 year after December 29, 2022, complete development of the initial plan under paragraph (1) and make such plan publicly available; and

(B) periodically thereafter, update such plan and make the updated plan publicly available.

(d) Improving epidemiological data

The Secretary shall, as appropriate, formalize and strengthen agreements between the Suicide Prevention Lifeline program and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention with respect to the secure sharing of de-identified epidemiological data. Such agreements shall include appropriate privacy and security protections that meet the requirements of applicable Federal law, at a minimum.

(e) Data to assist State and local suicide prevention activities

The Secretary shall ensure that the aggregated information collected and any applicable analyses conducted under subsection (b)(5), including from local call centers, as applicable, are made available in a usable format to State and local agencies in order to inform suicide prevention activities.

(f) Authorization of appropriations

To carry out this section, there are authorized to be appropriated $101,621,000 for each of fiscal years 2023 through 2027.