You must give BLM a detailed map that identifies the site and the placement of the items specified in paragraphs (c), (d), and (e) of this section, and a written description of the proposed occupancy that describes in detail:

(a) How the proposed occupancy is reasonably incident;

(b) How the proposed occupancy meets the conditions specified in § 3715.2 and § 3715.2-1;

(c) Where you will place temporary or permanent structures for occupancy;

(d) The location of and reason you need enclosures, fences, gates, and signs intended to exclude the general public;

(e) The location of reasonable public passage or access routes through or around the area to adjacent public lands; and

(f) The estimated period of use of the structures, enclosures, fences, gates, and signs, as well as the schedule for removal and reclamation when operations end.