45 CFR 12.12 – Utilization
(a) Where property or any portion thereof is not being used for the purposes for which transferred, the transferee will be required at the direction of the Department:
(1) To place the property into immediate use for an approved purpose;
(2) To retransfer such property to such other public health user as the Department may direct;
(3) To sell such property for the benefit and account of the United States;
(4) To return title to such property to the United States or to relinquish any leasehold interest therein;
(5) To abrogate the conditions and restrictions of the transfer, as set forth in § 12.9(d) of this chapter, except that, where property has never been placed in use for the purposes for which transferred, abrogation will not be permitted except under extenuating circumstances; or
(6) To make payments as provided for in § 12.3(c) of this chapter.
(b) Where the transferee or lessee desires to place the property in temporary use for a purpose other than that for which the property was transferred or leased, approval from the Department must be obtained, and will be conditioned upon such terms as the Department may impose.