45 CFR 1356.30 – Safety requirements for foster care and adoptive home providers
(a) The title IV-E agency must provide documentation that criminal records checks have been conducted with respect to prospective foster and adoptive parents.
(b) The title IV-E agency may not approve or license any prospective foster or adoptive parent, nor may the title IV-E agency claim FFP for any foster care maintenance or adoption assistance payment made on behalf of a child placed in a foster home operated under the auspices of a child placing agency or on behalf of a child placed in an adoptive home through a private adoption agency, if the title IV-E agency finds that, based on a criminal records check conducted in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section, a court of competent jurisdiction has determined that the prospective foster or adoptive parent has been convicted of a felony involving:
(1) Child abuse or neglect;
(2) Spousal abuse;
(3) A crime against a child or children (including child pornography); or,
(4) A crime involving violence, including rape, sexual assault, or homicide, but not including other physical assault or battery.
(c) The title IV-E agency may not approve or license any prospective foster or adoptive parent, nor may the title IV-E agency claim FFP for any foster care maintenance or adoption assistance payment made on behalf of a child placed in a foster home operated under the auspices of a child placing agency or on behalf of a child placed in an adoptive home through a private adoption agency, if the title IV-E agency finds, based on a criminal records check conducted in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section, that a court of competent jurisdiction has determined that the prospective foster or adoptive parent has, within the last five years, been convicted of a felony involving:
(1) Physical assault;
(2) Battery; or,
(3) A drug-related offense.
(d) [Reserved]
(e) In all cases where the State opted out of the criminal records check requirement, as permitted prior to the amendments made by section 152 of Public Law 109-248, the licensing file for that foster or adoptive family must contain documentation which verifies that safety considerations with respect to the caretaker(s) have been addressed.
(f) In order for a child care institution to be eligible for title IV-E funding, the licensing file for the institution must contain documentation which verifies that safety considerations with respect to the staff of the institution have been addressed.