46 CFR 7.80 – Tybee Island, GA to St. Simons Island, GA
(a) A line drawn from the southernmost extremity of Savannah Beach on Tybee Island 255° true across Tybee Inlet to the shore of Little Tybee Island south of the entrance to Buck Hammock Creek.
(b) A line drawn from the southernmost extremity of Little Tybee Island at Beach Hammock to the easternmost extremity of Wassaw Island.
(c) A line drawn from Wassaw Island in approximate position latitude 31°52.5? N. longitude 80°58.5? W. to latitude 31°48.3? N. longitude 80°56.8? W. (Ossabaw Sound North Channel Buoy “OS”); thence to latitude 31°39.3? N. longitude 81°02.3? W. (St. Catherines Sound Buoy “St. C.”); thence to latitude 31°31.2? N. longitude 81°03.8? W. (Sapelo Sound Buoy “S”); thence to the easternmost extremity of Blackbeard Island at Northeast Point.
(d) A line drawn from the southernmost extremity of Blackbeard Island to latitude 31°19.4? N. longitude 81°11.5? W. (Doboy Sound Lighted Buoy “D”); thence to latitude 31°04.1? N. longitude 81°16.7? W. (St. Simons Lighted Whistle Buoy “ST S”).