49 CFR 24.501 – Applicability
(a) General. This subpart describes the requirements governing the provision of replacement housing payments to a person displaced from a mobile home and/or mobile home site who meets the basic eligibility requirements of this part. Except as modified by this subpart, such a displaced person is entitled to a moving expense payment in accordance with subpart D of this part and a replacement housing payment in accordance with subpart E of this part to the same extent and subject to the same requirements as persons displaced from conventional dwellings. Moving cost payments to persons occupying mobile homes are covered in § 24.301(g)(1) through (g)(10).
(b) Partial acquisition of mobile home park. The acquisition of a portion of a mobile home park property may leave a remaining part of the property that is not adequate to continue the operation of the park. If the Agency determines that a mobile home located in the remaining part of the property must be moved as a direct result of the project, the occupant of the mobile home shall be considered to be a displaced person who is entitled to relocation payments and other assistance under this part.