49 CFR 594.6 – Annual fee for administration of the registration program
(a) Each person filing an application to be granted the status of a Registered Importer pursuant to part 592 of this chapter on or after October 1, 2014, must pay an annual fee of $844, as calculated below, based upon the direct and indirect costs attributable to:
Terms Used In 49 CFR 594.6
- Fiscal year: The fiscal year is the accounting period for the government. For the federal government, this begins on October 1 and ends on September 30. The fiscal year is designated by the calendar year in which it ends; for example, fiscal year 2006 begins on October 1, 2005 and ends on September 30, 2006.
(1) Processing and acting upon such application;
(2) Any inspection deemed required for a determination upon such application;
(3) The estimated remaining activities of administering the registration program in the fiscal year in which such application is intended to become effective.
(b) That portion of the initial annual fee attributable to the processing of the application for applications filed on and after October 1, 2014, is $333. The sum of $333, representing this portion, shall not be refundable if the application is denied or withdrawn.
(c) If, in order to make a determination upon an application, NHTSA must make an inspection of the applicant’s facilities, NHTSA notifies the applicant in writing after the conclusion of any such inspection, that a supplement to the initial annual fee in a stated amount is due upon receipt of such notice to recover the direct and indirect costs associated with such inspection and notification, and that no determination will be made upon the application until such sum is received. Such sum is not refundable if the application is denied or withdrawn.
(d) That portion of the initial annual fee attributable to the remaining activities of administering the registration program on and after October 1, 2014, is set forth in paragraph (i) of this section. This portion shall be refundable if the application is denied, or withdrawn before final action upon it.
(e) Each Registered Importer who wishes to maintain the status of Registered Importer shall pay a regular annual fee based upon the direct and indirect costs of administering the registration program, including the suspension and reinstatement, and revocation of such registration.
(f) The elements of administering the registration program that are included in the regular annual fee are:
(1) Calculating, revising, and publishing the fees to apply in the next fiscal year, including such coordination as may be required with the U.S. Customs Service.
(2) Processing and reviewing the annual statement attesting to the fact that no material change has occurred in the Registered Importer’s status since filing its original application.
(3) Processing the annual fee.
(4) Processing and reviewing any amendments to an annual statement received in the course of a fiscal year.
(5) Verifying through inspection or otherwise that a Registered Importer is complying with the requirements of Sec. 592.6(b)(3) of this chapter for recordkeeping.
(6) Verifying through inspection or otherwise that a Registered Importer is able technically and financially to carry out its responsibilities pursuant to 49 U.S.C. § 30118 et seq.
(7) Invoking procedures for suspension of registration and its reinstatement, and for revocation of registration pursuant to Sec. 592.7 of this chapter.
(g) The direct costs included in establishing the annual fee for maintaining registered importer status are the estimated costs of professional and clerical staff time, computer and computer operator time, and postage, per Registered Importer. The direct costs included in establishing the annual fee for a specific Registered Importer are costs of transportation and per diem attributable to inspections conducted with respect to that Registered Importer in administering the registration program, which have not been included in a previous annual fee.
(h) The indirect costs included in establishing the annual fee for maintaining Registered Importer status are a pro rata allocation of the average salary and benefits of persons employed in processing annual statements, or changes thereto, in recommending continuation of Registered Importer status, and a pro rata allocation of the costs attributable to maintaining the office space, and the computer or word processor. This cost is $25.73 per man-hour for the period beginning October 1, 2014.
(i) Based upon the elements and indirect costs of paragraphs (f), (g), and (h) of this section, the component of the initial annual fee attributable to administration of the registration program, covering the period beginning October 1, 2014, is $511. When added to the costs of registration of $333, as set forth in paragraph (b) of this section, the costs per applicant to be recovered through the annual fee are $844. The annual renewal registration fee for the period beginning October 1, 2014, is $726.