5 CFR 845.408 – Special processing for fraud claims
When an agency sends a claim indicating fraud, presentation of a false claim, misrepresentation by the debtor or any other party interested in the claim, or any claim based in whole or part on conduct violating the antitrust laws, to the Department of Justice (Justice) for possible treatment as a fraud claim (4 CFR 101.3), the following special procedures apply.
(a) Agency processing. If the debtor is separated or separates while Justice is reviewing the claim, the paying agency must send the Individual Retirement Record to OPM, as required by § 845.405(c)(2). The agency where the claim arose must send OPM notice that a claim is pending with Justice. (See § 845.405(b)(6) for instructions on giving OPM a notice of debt.)
(b) Department of Justice processing. (1) The Attorney General or a designee will decide whether a debt claim sent in by an agency will be reserved for collection by Justice as a fraud claim. Upon receiving a possible fraud claim to be collected by offset from the Fund, the Attorney General or a designee must notify OPM. The notice to OPM must contain the following:
(i) The name, date of birth, and social security number of the debtor;
(ii) The amount of the possible fraud claim, if known;
(iii) The basis of the possible fraud claim; and
(iv) A statement that the claim is being considered as a possible fraud claim, the collection of which is reserved to Justice.
(2) When there is a pending refund application, the Attorney General or designee must file a complaint seeking a judgment on the claim and send a copy of the complaint to OPM; or as provided in 4 CFR 101.3, refer the claim to the agency where the claim arose and submit a copy of the referral to OPM within 180 days of the date of either notice from the agency that a claim is pending with Justice (paragraph (a) of this section) or notice from Justice that it has received a possible fraud claim (paragraph (b)(1) of this section) whichever is earlier. When the claim is referred to the agency where it arose, the agency must begin administrative collection action under 4 CFR 102.4 and send a complete debt claim to OPM as required in § 845.405.
(c) OPM processing against refunds. (1) Upon receipt of a notice under paragraph (a) or (b)(1) of this section, whichever is earlier, OPM will withhold the amount of the debt claim, if known; notify the debtor that the amount of the debt will be withheld from the refund for at least 180 days from the date of the notice that initiated OPM processing; and pay the balance to the debtor. If the amount of the debt claim is not known, OPM will notify the debtor that a debt claim may be offset against his or her refund and that OPM will not pay any amount until either the amount of the debt claim is established, or the time limit for filing a complaint in court or submitting the debt claim expires, whichever comes first.
(2) If the Attorney General files a complaint and notifies OPM within the applicable 180-day period, OPM will continue to withhold payment of the lump-sum credit until there is a final judgment.
(3) If the Attorney General refers the claim to the agency where the claim arose (creditor agency) and notifies OPM within the applicable 180-day period, OPM will notify the creditor agency that (i) the procedures in this subpart and 4 CFR 102.4 must be completed; and (ii) a debt claim must be sent to OPM within 120 days of the date of OPM’s notice to the creditor agency. At the request of the creditor agency, one extension of time of not more than 60 days will be granted, as provided by § 845.406(a).
(4) If OPM is not notified that a complaint has been filed or that the claim has been referred to the creditor agency within the applicable 180-day period, OPM will pay the balance of the refund to the debtor.
(d) OPM processing against annuities. If the debtor has filed an annuity claim, OPM will not take action against the annuity. OPM will continue to pay the annuity unless and until there is a final judgment for the United States or submission of a complete debt claim.
(e) OPM collection and payment of the debt. (1) If the United States obtains a judgment against the debtor for the amount of the debt or the creditor agency submits a complete debt claim, OPM will collect and pay the debt to the creditor agency as provided in §§ 845.406 and 845.407.
(2) If the suit or the administrative proceeding results in a judgment for the debtor without establishing a debt to the United States, OPM will pay the balance of the refund to the debtor upon receipt of a certified copy of the judgment or administrative decision.