7 CFR 1434.3 – Definitions
The definitions in this section are applicable for all purposes of program administration. The terms defined in part 718 of this title are also applicable except where those definitions are inconsistent with the definitions in this section or for purpose of program instruments created under this part.
Approving official is a representative of CCC who is authorized by the Executive Vice President, CCC, to approve loan documents prepared under this part.
Calling a loan is accelerating or moving forward the maturity date of an outstanding MAL. A MAL can be called when the terms and conditions of the MAL note and security agreement are violated, a producer incorrectly certifies a loan quantity or makes any fraudulent representation with respect to obtaining a loan, removing or disposing of a farm-stored commodity pledged as collateral for a loan without authorization, to protect CCC’s interest, or in emergency situations.
Charge is a fee, cost, and expense (including foreclosure costs) incident to insuring, carrying, handling, storing, conditioning, and marketing the honey and otherwise protecting the honey.
CMA is a cooperative marketing association engaged in marketing honey.
County office is the local FSA office.
Crop year is the calendar year in which honey is extracted.
Ineligible honey is honey not eligible for a MAL under this part for which ineligibility will include, but is not limited to, honey from ineligible floral sources regardless of whether the honey meets other eligibility requirements.
Intermediate Bulk Container (IBC) is a bulk container with a polyethylene inner bottle with a galvanized steel protective cage with a 275 and 330 gallon capacity and is reusable.
Loan is a nonrecourse marketing assistance loan on honey.
Loan deficiency payment (LDP) means a payment made in lieu of a MAL when the CCC-determined value, which is based on the current local price in a county, is below the applicable county loan rate. The payment is the difference between the two rates times the eligible quantity.
Nontable honey is honey having a predominant flavor of limited acceptability for table use even though such honey may be considered suitable for table use.
Person is an individual, partnership, association, corporation, estate or trust, or other business enterprise or other legal entity and, whenever applicable a State, political subdivision of a State, or any agency thereof.
Table honey is any honey having a good flavor of the predominant floral source which can be readily marketed for table use.
Representative is a receiver, executor, administrator, guardian, or trustee representing the interests of a person or an estate.