7 CFR 5.4 – Commodities for which parity prices shall be calculated
Parity prices shall be calculated for the following commodities:
Wheat; corn; American upland cotton; extra long staple cotton; rice; peanuts;
Milk sold to plants; milkfat in cream; tung nuts; honey, wholesale extracted.
Wool and mohair.
Grapefruit; lemons; limes; oranges; tangerines; and Temples.
Apples (primarily for fresh use); apples for processing; apricots for fresh consumption; apricots for processing (except dried); dried apricots; avocados; blackberries; boysenberries; gooseberries; loganberries; black raspberries; red raspberries; youngberries; tart cherries; sweet cherries; cranberries; dates; grapes, raisins, dried; all grapes, excluding raisins, dried; nectarines for fresh consumption; nectarines for processing; olives for processing (excluding crushed for oil); olives, crushed for oil; olives for canning; papayas (Hawaii), for fresh consumption; peaches for fresh consumption; clingstone peaches for processing (except dried); freestone peaches for processing (except dried); dried peaches; pears for fresh consumption; pears for processing (except dried); dried pears; plums (California), for fresh consumption; plums (California), for processing; dried prunes (California); prunes and plums (excluding California), for processing (except dried); strawberries for fresh consumption; and strawberries for processing.
Alfalfa, bentgrass, crimson clover, Chewings fescue, red fescue, tall fescue, Marion Kentucky bluegrass, Ladino clover, lespedeza, orchard grass, red clover, timothy, and hairy vetch.
Sugar beets, and sugarcane for sugar.
Almonds; filberts; pecans, all; and walnuts.
Artichokes, asparagus, snap beans, broccoli, cabbage, cantaloups, carrots, cauliflower, celery, sweet corn, cucumbers, eggplant, escarole, garlic, honeydew melons, lettuce, onions, green peppers, spinach, tomatoes, and watermelons.
Asparagus, lima beans, snap beans, beets, cabbage, sweet corn, cucumbers, green peas, spinach and tomatoes.
Beef cattle; hogs; lambs; calves; sheep; turkeys; eggs; beeswax; potatoes; hops; peppermint oil; popcorn; spearmint oil; tobacco, Types 61 and 62; barley; beans, dry edible; cottonseed; peas, dry field; flaxseed; hay, all baled; oats; rye; sorghum grain; soybeans; sweetpotatoes; and crude pine gum.