7 CFR 7.23 – County committee duties
(a) The county committee, subject to the general direction and supervision of the State committee, will be generally responsible for carrying out in the county Farm Programs and any other program or function assigned by the Secretary or a designee of the Secretary.
Terms Used In 7 CFR 7.23
- Dismissal: The dropping of a case by the judge without further consideration or hearing. Source:
(b) The county committee will:
(1) Employ the county executive director, subject to standards and qualifications furnished by the State committee, except that incumbent directors must not be removed except as specified in § 7.28. There must be no employment discrimination due to race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, or marital or family status. The county executive director may not be removed for advocating or carrying out the Department’s policy on equal opportunity and civil rights, including the equal employment policy. In the event it is claimed that dismissal is for such reasons, the dismissal will not become effective until the State committee and the Deputy Administrator have determined that dismissal was not because of such reasons;
(2) Direct outreach activities to reach and inform socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers of all programs and county committee election processes;
(3) Follow official instructions to review, approve, and certify forms, reports, and documents requiring such action;
(4) Recommend to the State committee needed changes in boundaries of local administrative areas;
(5) Make available to farmers, ranchers, and the public information concerning the objectives and operations of the programs administered through the county committee;
(6) Make available to agencies of the Federal Government and others information with respect to the county committee activities in accordance with official instructions issued;
(7) Give public notice of the designation and boundaries of each local administrative area within the county prior to the election of county committee members;
(8) Direct the giving of notices in accordance with applicable regulations and official instructions;
(9) Recommend to the State committee desirable changes in or additions to existing programs;
(10) Conduct such hearings and investigations as the State committee may request; and
(11) Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the State committee.