All persons transporting, or delivering for transportation, in interstate commerce, agricultural seeds shall keep for a period of three years a complete record of origin, treatment, germination, and purity of each lot of such agricultural seeds, and all persons transporting, or delivering for transportation, in interstate commerce, vegetable seeds shall keep for a period of three years a complete record of treatment, germination and variety of such vegetable seeds. The Secretary of Agriculture, or his duly authorized agents, shall have the right to inspect such records for the purpose of the effective administration of this chapter.

Terms Used In 7 USC 1572

  • Agricultural seeds: shall mean grass, forage, and field crop seeds which the Secretary of Agriculture finds are used for seeding purposes in the United States and which he lists in the rules and regulations prescribed under section 1592 of this title. See 7 USC 1561
  • germination: means the percentage of seeds capable of producing normal seedlings under ordinarily favorable conditions (not including seeds which produce weak, malformed, or obviously abnormal sprouts), determined by methods prescribed under section 1593 of this title. See 7 USC 1561
  • interstate commerce: means &mdash. See 7 USC 1561
  • origin: means the State, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, or possession of the United States, or the foreign country, or designated portion thereof, where the seed was grown. See 7 USC 1561
  • variety: means a subdivision of a kind which is characterized by growth, plant, fruit, seed, or other characters by which it can be differentiated from other sorts of the same kind, for example, Marquis wheat, Flat Dutch cabbage, Manchu soybeans, Oxheart carrot, and so forth. See 7 USC 1561
  • Vegetable seeds: shall include the seeds of those crops that are or may be grown in gardens or on truck farms and are or may be generally known and sold under the name of vegetable seeds. See 7 USC 1561