10 USC 3706 – Price reductions for defective cost or pricing data
(1) the price of the contract would not have been modified even if accurate, complete, and current cost or pricing data had been submitted by the contractor or subcontractor because the contractor or subcontractor—
(A) was the sole source of the property or services procured; or
(B) otherwise was in a superior bargaining position with respect to the property or services procured;
(2) the contracting officer should have known that the cost and pricing data in issue were defective even though the contractor or subcontractor took no affirmative action to bring the character of the data to the attention of the contracting officer;
(3) the contract was based on an agreement between the contractor and the United States about the total cost of the contract and there was no agreement about the cost of each item procured under such contract; or
(4) the prime contractor or subcontractor did not submit a certification of cost and pricing data relating to the contract as required under section 3702(b) of this title.
(A) the contractor certifies to the contracting officer (or to a designated representative of the contracting officer) that, to the best of the contractor’s knowledge and belief, the contractor is entitled to the offset; and
(B) the contractor proves that the cost or pricing data were available before the date of agreement on the price of the contract (or price of the modification) or, if applicable consistent with subsection (a)(2), another date agreed upon between the parties, and that the data were not submitted as specified in section 3702(c) of this title before such date.
(2) A contractor shall not be allowed to offset an amount otherwise authorized to be offset under paragraph (1) if—
(A) the certification under section 3702(b) of this title with respect to the cost or pricing data involved was known to be false when signed; or
(B) the United States proves that, had the cost or pricing data referred to in paragraph (1)(B) been submitted to the United States before the date of agreement on the price of the contract (or price of the modification) or, if applicable consistent with subsection (a)(2), another date agreed upon between the parties, the submission of such cost or pricing data would not have resulted in an increase in that price in the amount to be offset.