10 USC 4811 – National security strategy for national technology and industrial base
(1) Supplying, equipping, and supporting the force structure of the armed forces that is necessary to achieve—
(A) the objectives set forth in the national security strategy report submitted to Congress by the President pursuant to section 108 of the National Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3043);
(B) the policy guidance of the Secretary of Defense provided pursuant to section 113(g) of this title; and
(C) the future-years defense program submitted to Congress by the Secretary of Defense pursuant to section 221 of this title.
(2) Sustaining production, maintenance, repair, logistics, and other activities in support of military operations of various durations and intensity.
(3) Maintaining advanced research and development activities to provide the armed forces with systems capable of ensuring technological superiority over potential adversaries.
(4) Reconstituting within a reasonable period the capability to develop, produce, and support supplies and equipment, including technologically advanced systems, in sufficient quantities to prepare fully for a war, national emergency, or mobilization of the armed forces before the commencement of that war, national emergency, or mobilization.
(5) Providing for the development, manufacture, and supply of items and technologies critical to the production and sustainment of advanced military weapon systems within the national technology and industrial base.
(6) Providing for the generation of services capabilities that are not core functions of the armed forces and that are critical to military operations within the national technology and industrial base.
(7) Providing for the development, production, and integration of information technology within the national technology and industrial base.
(8) Maintaining critical design skills to ensure that the armed forces are provided with systems capable of ensuring technological superiority over potential adversaries.
(9) Ensuring reliable sources of materials that are critical to national security, such as specialty metals, essential minerals, armor plate, and rare earth elements.
(10) Reducing, to the maximum extent practicable, the presence of counterfeit parts in the supply chain and the risk associated with such parts.
(11) Providing for the provision of drugs, biological products, vaccines, and critical medical supplies required to enable combat readiness and protect the health of the armed forces.
(1) Relying, to the maximum extent practicable, upon the commercial national technology and industrial base that is required to meet the national security needs of the United States.
(2) Reducing the reliance of the Department of Defense on technology and industrial base sectors that are economically dependent on Department of Defense business.
(3) Reducing Federal Government barriers to the use of commercial products, processes, and standards.