42 USC 263a-5 – Publication
The Secretary, through the Centers for Disease Control, shall not later than 3 years after October 24, 1992, and annually thereafter publish and distribute to the States and the public—
(1)(A) 1 pregnancy success rates reported to the Secretary under section 263a-1(a)(1) of this title and, in the case of an assisted reproductive technology program which failed to report one or more success rates as required under such section, the name of each such program and each pregnancy success rate which the program failed to report, and
(B) from information reported under section 263a-1(a)(2) of this title—
(i) the identity of each embryo laboratory in a State which has adopted the certification program under such program and whether such laboratory is certified under section 263a-2 of this title,
(ii) the identity of each embryo laboratory in a State which has not adopted such certification program and which has been certified by an accreditation organization approved by the Secretary under section 263a-3 of this title, and
(iii) in the case of an embryo laboratory which is not certified under section 263a-2 of this title or certified by an accreditation organization approved by the Secretary under section 263a-3 of this title, whether the laboratory applied for certification.