42 USC 7253 – Reorganization
(a) Subject to subsection (b), the Secretary is authorized to establish, alter, consolidate or discontinue such organizational units or components within the Department as he may deem to be necessary or appropriate. Such authority shall not extend to the abolition of organizational units or components established by this chapter, or to the transfer of functions vested by this chapter in any organizational unit or component.
Terms Used In 42 USC 7253
- Department: means the Department of Energy or any component thereof, including the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. See 42 USC 7101
(b) The authority of the Secretary to establish, abolish, alter, consolidate, or discontinue any organizational unit or component of the National Nuclear Security Administration is governed by the provisions of section 2409 of title 50.
(c) The authority of the Secretary under subsection (a) does not apply to the National Nuclear Security Administration. The corresponding authority that applies to the Administration is set forth in section 2402(e) 1 of title 50.