42 USC 9210 – Analysis of applications of wind energy systems
The Secretary shall—
(1) initiate and conduct a federal applications study for wind energy systems, cooperatively with appropriate Federal agencies to determine the potential for the use of wind systems at specific Federal facilities; and this study shall—
(A) include an analysis which determines those sites at which wind energy systems are economically competitive with the marginal costs of new conventional energy sources in the areas;
(B) identify potential sites and uses of wind energy systems at the following agencies as well as any others which the Secretary deems necessary:
(i) the Department of Defense;
(ii) the Department of Transportation (including the United States Coast Guard, the Federal Aviation Administration, and the Federal Highway Administration);
(iii) the Department of Commerce;
(iv) the Department of Agriculture; and
(v) the Department of the Interior;
(C) provide a preliminary report to the Congress within nine months after September 8, 1980; and
(D) include the presentation of a detailed plan for the use of wind energy systems for power generation at specific sites in Federal Government agencies to the Congress within twelve months after September 8, 1980;
(2) study the effects, at varying levels of market penetration, of the widespread utilization of wind energy systems on the existing electrical utility system;
(3) determine the necessity for, and make recommendations to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate and the Committee on Science and Technology of the House of Representatives within eighteen months after September 8, 1980, on, the need for any additional incentives for either users or manufacturers, in each of the potential markets for wind energy systems, to accelerate the widespread utilization of wind energy technologies;
(4) evaluate the actual performance of wind energy systems in various applications, including but not limited to residential, agricultural, large and small scale irrigation pumping, industrial, commercial, remote nonnetwork utility, and other applications, and report thereon to the Congress within two years after September 8, 1980; and
(5) in carrying out his functions under this section, consult with the appropriate government agencies, industry representatives, and members of the scientific and technical community having expertise and interest in this subject.
The Secretary, as appropriate, may merge any continuing or on-going studies within the Department of Energy or any other Federal agency with those required under this section to avoid any unnecessary duplication of effort or funding.