50 USC 2932 – Sense of Congress on United States-Russia cooperation and coordination on the prevention of weapons of mass destruction proliferation and terrorism
It is the sense of the Congress that, as soon as practical, the President should engage the President of the Russian Federation in a discussion of the purposes and goals for the establishment of the Office of the United States Coordinator for the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism (in this section referred to as the “Office”), the authorities and responsibilities of the United States Coordinator for the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism (in this section referred to as the “United States Coordinator”), and the importance of strong cooperation between the United States Coordinator and a senior official of the Russian Federation having authorities and responsibilities for preventing weapons of mass destruction proliferation and terrorism commensurate with those of the United States Coordinator, and with whom the United States Coordinator should coordinate planning and implementation of activities within and outside of the Russian Federation having the purpose of preventing weapons of mass destruction proliferation and terrorism.