Any matter on which the legislature is to vote, such as passage of a bill, adoption of an amendment, agreement to a motion, or an appeal. |
State Law |
Alaska |
means an issue placed on the ballot to determine whether a judge or justice shall be accepted or rejected, whether a constitutional convention shall be called, whether a state debt shall be contracted, or whether a state official shall be recalled Alaska Statutes 15.80.010 |
Delaware |
means any proposition or other question to be submitted to the voters Delaware Code Title 15 Sec. 101 |
Illinois |
means any question, proposition, or referendum submitted to the voters under Article 28 of this Code Illinois Compiled Statutes 10 ILCS 5/12A-2 |
Louisiana |
means an amendment, proposition, or like matter to be voted on in an election Louisiana Revised Statutes 18:1351 |
Maine |
means any proposition submitted to the voters Maine Revised Statutes Title 21-A Sec. 1 |
Missouri |
any measure on the ballot which can be voted “YES” or “NO” Missouri Laws 115.013 |