(a) No person shall build a fire or cause a fire to be built in any coal mine, except as provided hereinafter.

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Terms Used In Alabama Code 25-9-150

(b) Torches may be used by competent persons in mines for splicing trailing cables, provided suitable precautions are taken against ignition of methane, coal dust, or combustible materials. Torches must be maintained at all times in good operating condition and leakproof.
(c) Welding and burning may be done in mines provided all equipment and gauges are maintained in good order and not abused and suitable precautions are taken against ignition of methane, coal dust, or combustible materials. Only persons who have demonstrated competence in welding and burning are entrusted to do this work. Adequate eye protection will be used by all persons doing welding or burning, and precautions shall be taken to prevent other persons from exposure that might be harmful to their eyes.

Certified officials or approved competent persons shall examine for gas with approved methane detectors before welding or burning and at 20-minute intervals until work is complete.

When torches are used and welding and burning is done, a minimum of 150 pounds of rock dust and/or a 2A 10-B:C fire extinguisher shall be provided for prompt extinguishing of fires accidentally started.

(d) Approval of the chief of the division will be secured before firing coal seams in connection with gassification or other mining methods that may be practiced experimentally or commercially entailing controlled burning of coal in mines. Before granting approval, the chief will ascertain that the proposal entails no undue hazards to persons and that public property and property of other owners will not be endangered.