A. To obtain a uniform video service license, a person shall file with the clerk of the county an application and affidavit that are signed by one of the principal executive officers or general partners of the applicant and that comply with this section.

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Terms Used In Arizona Laws 11-1914

  • Action: includes any matter or proceeding in a court, civil or criminal. See Arizona Laws 1-215
  • Affidavit: A written statement of facts confirmed by the oath of the party making it, before a notary or officer having authority to administer oaths.
  • Agreement: means any agreement or contract. See Arizona Laws 11-1901
  • boundaries: means all of the area of the county that is not within the corporate limits of any city or town, including unincorporated territory that is surrounded on all sides by a combination of one or more cities, towns or Indian reservations. See Arizona Laws 11-1901
  • Holder: means a video service provider that has been issued a uniform video service license pursuant to this chapter. See Arizona Laws 11-1901
  • Incumbent cable operator: means a cable operator or other video service provider that on December 31, 2019 is providing video service in this state pursuant to a local license. See Arizona Laws 11-1901
  • License: means a franchise as defined in 47 United States Code § 522. See Arizona Laws 11-1901
  • Person: includes a corporation, company, partnership, firm, association or society, as well as a natural person. See Arizona Laws 1-215
  • Service area: means that part of the boundaries of a county within which a video service provider is authorized to provide video service pursuant to a uniform video service license or a local license. See Arizona Laws 11-1901
  • Uniform video service license: means a license that is issued by a county in the form of a uniform video service license agreement as adopted pursuant to section 11-1911. See Arizona Laws 11-1901
  • Writing: includes printing. See Arizona Laws 1-215

B. The application and affidavit shall be in the form required by the county and shall be required to contain all of and not more than the following:

1. Each service area in which the applicant intends to provide video service in the format as described in section 11-1911, subsection C. Except as provided in section 11-1912, subsection B, paragraph 2, under a uniform video service license the boundaries of the county are a single service area and the service area consists of all of the territory within the boundaries of that county.

2. The information prescribed by section 11-1911, subsection C, paragraphs 1 through 4. The holder shall notify the county in writing of changes to this information within thirty days after the change occurs.

3. The term of the uniform video service license, which may not exceed ten years.

4. An agreement to pay all lawful fees and charges imposed by the county.

C. An incumbent cable operator described in section 11-1912, subsection B, paragraph 2 may elect to apply for a uniform video service license for a service area that consists of the boundaries of a county.

D. If the county determines that the application and affidavit are incomplete or otherwise deficient for failure to comply with this section, the county shall provide written notice to the applicant not later than fifteen days after the date of filing of the application and affidavit. The written notice shall do both of the following:

1. Explain the incompleteness or deficiency in detail.

2. Specify the information or other items that are necessary under this section for proper completion of the application and affidavit.

E. The county may not do any of the following:

1. Charge a fee for filing or processing an application, affidavit, notice or other document under this chapter.

2. Vote on or take other official action regarding the application, affidavit, notice or other document.

3. Require the applicant to obtain the approval of the county regarding the application, affidavit, notice or other document.

4. Require the applicant to enter into an agreement as described in section 11-1942, subsection I.