A. A person who operates a motor vehicle in this state and who is subject to the financial responsibility requirements of this article shall maintain at all times the amounts prescribed in section 28-4033 that obligates the person to pay compensation for injuries to persons and for loss or damage to property by reason of the ownership, maintenance or use of a motor vehicle or vehicle combination owned or operated by the person.

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Terms Used In Arizona Laws 28-4034

  • Department: means the department of transportation acting directly or through its duly authorized officers and agents. See Arizona Laws 28-101
  • Motor vehicle: means a self-propelled vehicle that is registered or required to be registered under the laws of this state. See Arizona Laws 28-4001
  • Person: means :

    (a) An owner or operator of a motor vehicle or vehicle combination subject to the financial responsibility requirements of this article. See Arizona Laws 28-4031

  • Property: includes both real and personal property. See Arizona Laws 1-215
  • State: means a state, territory or possession of the United States, the District of Columbia or a province of the Dominion of Canada. See Arizona Laws 28-4001
  • Vehicle combination: has the meaning prescribed in section 28-5431. See Arizona Laws 28-4031

B. The department may require a person who is subject to the financial responsibility requirements of this article to certify the existence of financial responsibility in the form and at the times the department deems necessary. The department may forward the certification to the named insurer to determine if the certification is correct. Civil liability does not accrue to the insurer or any of its employees for reports made to the department if the reports are made in good faith based on the most recent information available to the insurer.