Arizona Laws 28-7009. Statewide transportation acceleration needs account; establishment; definition
A. The statewide transportation acceleration needs account is established as a separate account in the state highway fund. The account consists of all of the following, except that the source of monies in the fund shall not be a consent agreement or any type of negotiated settlement by any state or local agency or any donation made in place of a consent agreement or any type of settlement:
Terms Used In Arizona Laws 28-7009
- Board: means the transportation board. See Arizona Laws 28-101
- Department: means the department of transportation acting directly or through its duly authorized officers and agents. See Arizona Laws 28-101
- Evidence: Information presented in testimony or in documents that is used to persuade the fact finder (judge or jury) to decide the case for one side or the other.
- Fiscal year: The fiscal year is the accounting period for the government. For the federal government, this begins on October 1 and ends on September 30. The fiscal year is designated by the calendar year in which it ends; for example, fiscal year 2006 begins on October 1, 2005 and ends on September 30, 2006.
- highway: means the entire width between the boundary lines of every way if a part of the way is open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular travel. See Arizona Laws 28-101
- including: means not limited to and is not a term of exclusion. See Arizona Laws 1-215
- Person: includes a corporation, company, partnership, firm, association or society, as well as a natural person. See Arizona Laws 1-215
- Population: means the population according to the most recent United States decennial census. See Arizona Laws 1-215
- Process: means a citation, writ or summons issued in the course of judicial proceedings. See Arizona Laws 1-215
- Settlement: Parties to a lawsuit resolve their difference without having a trial. Settlements often involve the payment of compensation by one party in satisfaction of the other party's claims.
- State: means a state of the United States and the District of Columbia. See Arizona Laws 28-101
- State highway: means a state route or portion of a state route that is accepted and designated by the board as a state highway and that is maintained by the state. See Arizona Laws 28-101
- United States: includes the District of Columbia and the territories. See Arizona Laws 1-215
1. Monies appropriated by the legislature.
2. Monies designated for deposit in the account by the transportation board, a state agency or a political subdivision.
3. Monies received from the United States government for the purpose of accelerating transportation projects.
4. Monies received from political subdivisions, Indian tribes or this state or its agencies for the purpose of accelerating transportation projects.
5. Interest and other income received from investing monies in the account.
6. Gifts, grants, donations or other amounts received from any public or private source for deposit in the account for the purpose of accelerating transportation projects.
B. On notice from the transportation board, the state treasurer shall invest and divest monies in the statewide transportation acceleration needs account as provided by section 35-313, and monies earned from investment shall be credited to the account.
C. The transportation board may establish any subaccount in the statewide transportation acceleration needs account that the board determines is necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of this section.
D. If a governmental entity or a private person deposits monies in the statewide transportation acceleration needs account for acceleration of a specific project and the appropriate regional planning agency or council of governments, in cooperation with the transportation board, approves the project, the board shall designate the monies deposited by the governmental entity or private person solely for the project for which the monies are deposited.
E. Notwithstanding section 28-6993, and any other agreements entered into by the department of transportation for the distribution and expenditure of monies from the state highway fund, the transportation board shall not approve any expenditures from the statewide transportation acceleration needs account unless the expenditure is made in accordance with this section and is for the construction or reconstruction of freeways, state highways, bridges and interchanges that are contained in the regional transportation plan of a county or the department’s long-range statewide transportation plan pursuant to section 28-506. For the purposes of this subsection, a regional transportation plan is a twenty-year comprehensive, performance-based, multimodal and coordinated regional transportation plan that is approved for the county as provided by law and as amended or otherwise modified.
F. Monies in the statewide transportation acceleration needs account shall be used only to pay for the following costs of a transportation project approved pursuant to this section:
1. Except as provided in section 28-7010:
(a) Materials and labor.
(b) Acquisition of rights-of-way for highway needs.
(c) Design and other engineering services that are within the scope of engineering practice as provided in Title 32, Chapter 1.
(d) Other directly related costs approved by the transportation board.
2. Beginning in fiscal year 2006-2007, interest costs resulting from bonds, loans, notes or other obligations issued or incurred or advances made by or on behalf of a city, town or county.
G. Monies in the statewide transportation acceleration needs account that are appropriated by the legislature and any interest earnings shall be allocated as follows:
1. For a county with a population of at least one million two hundred thousand persons for the area included in the regional planning agency’s transportation improvement plan, sixty percent.
2. For a county with a population of more than five hundred thousand persons but less than one million two hundred thousand persons for the area included in the regional planning agency’s transportation improvement plan, sixteen percent.
3. For all other counties, twenty-four percent.
H. The regional planning agency in a county designated as a transportation management area shall establish a process for the review and approval of transportation projects eligible to receive monies from the statewide transportation acceleration needs account. As part of its request to the transportation board for monies, the regional planning agency shall ensure and submit evidence satisfactory to the board that any project costs not eligible for monies from the statewide transportation acceleration needs account are available and dedicated to the project. In all other counties, the department, in cooperation with the metropolitan planning organization or the council of governments that has the authority to approve transportation projects for the county, shall develop requests for expenditure of monies from the statewide transportation acceleration needs account. As part of the request to the transportation board for monies, the metropolitan planning organization or the council of governments for the department shall submit evidence satisfactory to the board that any project costs not eligible for monies from the statewide transportation acceleration needs account are available and dedicated to the project.
I. On receipt of a request for monies from the statewide transportation acceleration needs account, the transportation board shall place the request on the agenda for the next regular business meeting of the board. The board shall review the request and, in cooperation with the regional planning agency, the metropolitan planning organization or the council of governments, approve the request or further modify the request before approval.
J. The transportation board shall not approve the release of any monies from the statewide transportation acceleration needs account for a transportation project unless the board verifies that all costs related to construction of the project are covered.
K. A city, town or county may use monies that are in the statewide transportation acceleration needs account or any subaccount of the statewide transportation acceleration needs account, including monies that were previously approved by the board for a project and that were not specifically designated for interest costs for that project, for interest costs only if all of the following occur:
1. The regional planning agency in a county designated as a transportation management area recommends that the monies be spent for interest costs.
2. The board approves the regional planning agency’s recommendation described in paragraph 1 of this subsection.
3. The city, town or county complies with this section.
L. Monies in the statewide transportation acceleration needs account shall be used to supplement, not supplant, funding that would otherwise be made available for projects.
M. A regional planning agency that receives monies from the statewide transportation acceleration needs account shall report on or before December 15 of each year to the senate and house of representatives transportation committees on approved projects and amounts expended for those projects.
N. For the purposes of this section, "project" means the construction or reconstruction of a specific portion of a freeway or state highway or a bridge or interchange or a portion of a bridge or interchange that is constructed at a single location.