A. The board shall hold an annual meeting during the month of January each year in the Phoenix metropolitan area and may hold other meetings at times and places determined by a majority of the board on notice to each member and the general public pursuant to Title 38, Chapter 3, Article 3.1. A majority of the members of the board constitutes a quorum, and a majority vote of a quorum present at any meeting governs all board actions.

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Terms Used In Arizona Laws 32-1802

  • Board: means the Arizona board of osteopathic examiners in medicine and surgery. See Arizona Laws 32-1800
  • Month: means a calendar month unless otherwise expressed. See Arizona Laws 1-215
  • Quorum: The number of legislators that must be present to do business.

B. At each annual meeting the board shall select from among its membership a president and vice-president who shall serve until their successors are chosen. If either of these offices becomes vacant before the annual meeting, the board may elect a replacement at any other board meeting.

C. Members of the board are eligible to receive compensation in the amount of two hundred fifty dollars for each day of actual service in the business of the board and reimbursement of all expenses necessarily and properly incurred in attending meetings of the board.

D. Board members, the executive director, permanent or temporary board personnel, board consultants, committee members and professional medical investigators are immune from civil liability for any act they do in good faith to implement this chapter.

E. To carry out the functions of the board, the board president may establish committees and define committee duties. The president shall name at least one board member to each committee the president establishes.