A. The tuberculosis control officer shall be appointed by the director. The control officer shall be a licensed physician experienced in the field of tuberculosis and tuberculosis control and, subject to the supervision of the director, shall administer and direct the activities of tuberculosis control in this state. The control officer is responsible for the detection, supervision, isolation, quarantine, investigation of contacts and all other matters pertaining to the investigation, control and treatment of tuberculosis as provided by this article. With the cooperation of local medical societies and local health departments and boards, the officer may conduct or supervise clinics for the diagnosis, treatment and control of tuberculosis in convenient places throughout the state. The control officer shall maintain or cause to be maintained a register of the tuberculosis health status of known afflicted persons and of their contacts, based on current reports obtained from physicians, institutions, clinics, health departments and other authorized personnel.

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Terms Used In Arizona Laws 36-714

  • Contract: A legal written agreement that becomes binding when signed.
  • Department: means the department of health services. See Arizona Laws 36-711
  • Director: means the director of the department of health services. See Arizona Laws 36-711
  • Examination: means conducting tests that include Mantoux tuberculin skin tests, laboratory examination and x-rays as recommended by any of the following:

    (a) The tuberculosis control officer. See Arizona Laws 36-711

  • Isolation: means the physical separation of afflicted persons from others in order to limit the transmission of active tuberculosis. See Arizona Laws 36-711
  • Local health officer: means the health officer and other persons who are designated by the local health officer. See Arizona Laws 36-711
  • Monitoring: means a program of supervision designed to monitor the health and activities of an afflicted person. See Arizona Laws 36-711
  • Person: includes a corporation, company, partnership, firm, association or society, as well as a natural person. See Arizona Laws 1-215
  • Quarantine: means the restriction of activities of persons who have been exposed to an afflicted person. See Arizona Laws 36-711
  • Treatment: means medication or medical therapy prescribed by a licensed physician to cure a person of active tuberculosis. See Arizona Laws 36-711
  • Tuberculosis control officer: means a person appointed by the director to be the chief tuberculosis control officer for tuberculosis control in this state and other persons who are designated by the control officer. See Arizona Laws 36-711

B. The tuberculosis control officer may:

1. Examine any or all records, reports and other data pertaining to the condition of afflicted persons. This information is confidential and privileged and shall not be divulged so as to disclose the identity of the person to whom it relates. The control officer or local health officer may disclose records, reports and other data the officer possesses to health care facilities, health care providers, county and state agencies and courts as necessary to enforce this article and related rules concerning the control, examination, treatment, monitoring, isolation, and quarantine of afflicted persons.

2. Inspect the facilities, equipment, operations and administration of institutions that provide care or treatment for afflicted persons.

3. With the approval of the director, contract with any federal agency, foreign government, Indian tribal government, any agency of this state or other state or of any political subdivision of this state or another state or any private entity to assist in the support of its tuberculosis control program with monies available to the department for that purpose. This program may include preventive, therapeutic and rehabilitative services and shall be used to encourage the fullest development and maintenance of an integrated statewide tuberculosis control program.

C. The tuberculosis control officer shall cooperate with any federal agency, foreign government, Indian tribal governments, or agency of this state or any political subdivisions of this state or other state or any private entity to qualify for and obtain their support in carrying out this article and to aid them in carrying out their respective responsibilities that relate to afflicted persons.