Arizona Laws > Title 27 > Chapter 6 > Article 5 – Financial Assurance
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Terms Used In Arizona Laws > Title 27 > Chapter 6 > Article 5 - Financial Assurance
- Action: includes any matter or proceeding in a court, civil or criminal. See Arizona Laws 1-215
- Aggregate mining unit: means an individual portion of an aggregate mining facility that encompasses one or more surface disturbances. See Arizona Laws 27-1201
- Evidence: Information presented in testimony or in documents that is used to persuade the fact finder (judge or jury) to decide the case for one side or the other.
- Existing aggregate mining unit: means an aggregate mining unit, other than a new aggregate mining unit, that continued operations after April 1, 1997. See Arizona Laws 27-1201
- Existing exploration operation: means an exploration operation that is ongoing as of the effective date of the initial rules adopted by the inspector pursuant to this chapter. See Arizona Laws 27-1201
- Exploration operations: means activities that create surface disturbances outside an aggregate mining facility and that are conducted to determine the presence, location, extent, depth or grade of aggregate, including constructing access roads and drill pads. See Arizona Laws 27-1201
- Inspector: means the state mine inspector. See Arizona Laws 27-1201
- New exploration operation: means an exploration operation that begins after the effective date of the initial rules adopted pursuant to this chapter. See Arizona Laws 27-1201
- Reclamation: means measures that are taken on surface disturbances at exploration operations and aggregate mining units to achieve stability and safety consistent with postaggregate mining land use objectives specified in the reclamation plan. See Arizona Laws 27-1201
- Surface disturbance: means clearing, covering or moving land by means of mechanized earthmoving equipment for aggregate mining and exploration but does not include surveying, assessment and location work, seismic work, maintenance and other such activities that create a de minimis disturbance. See Arizona Laws 27-1201