California Welfare and Institutions Code 4519.4 – (a) Beginning in the summer of 2019, the State Department of …
(a) Beginning in the summer of 2019, the State Department of Developmental Services shall consult with a broad and balanced group of stakeholders, including, but not limited to, representatives of the Developmental Services Task Force, the Rates Workgroup of the Developmental Services Task Force, legislative staff from the fiscal and relevant policy committees of the Legislature, the Legislative Analyst’s Office, the Association of Regional Center Agencies, the State Council on Developmental Disabilities, the Department of Rehabilitation, and Disability Rights California to discuss system reforms, including fiscal reforms, to better serve consumers with developmental disabilities. The focus of this discussion shall be on how to create a sustainable, innovative, cost-effective, consumer-focused, and outcomes-based service delivery system.
(b) For purposes of implementing subdivision (a), the State Department of Developmental Services shall do all of the following:
Terms Used In California Welfare and Institutions Code 4519.4
- Consumer: means a person who has a disability that meets the definition of developmental disability set forth in subdivision (a). See California Welfare and Institutions Code 4512
(1) Consider a wide variety of perspectives of consumers, families, and service providers to discuss the potential outcomes associated with different approaches to system reform.
(2) Engage with consumers, families, and service providers across different geographic regions of the state, including urban and rural areas, and from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds, consumer age groups, consumer diagnoses, and service categories.
(3) Identify key consumer outcomes and measurable targets to be achieved through these reforms, as informed by the stakeholder process.
(4) Evaluate compliance with federal rules relating to home- and community-based services, and how the department plans to redesign services that are not compliant with these rules.
(5) Discuss how feedback may be collected about the reforms, and how this information may be used to make changes to, and adapt, the system over time.
(c) The State Department of Developmental Services shall report on the progress of these efforts during the 2020-21 budget hearing process.
(d) By October 1, 2019, the State Department of Developmental Services shall post to its internet website a summary of public comments, departmental responses to those comments, and any appropriate and necessary changes to the rate models contained in the rate study, submitted pursuant to Section 4519.8.
(Added by Stats. 2019, Ch. 28, Sec. 9. (SB 81) Effective June 27, 2019.)