Connecticut General Statutes 10-74v – Informational handout for students with individual education program or Section 504 plan re rights in the classroom
Not later than January 1, 2024, the Department of Education shall develop an informational handout for students that explains what it means for a student to have an individualized education program or a plan pursuant to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, including what rights such student is entitled to in the classroom under such program or plan. Such handout shall (1) be age-appropriate, (2) be prepared separately for students in grades (A) kindergarten to four, inclusive, (B) five to eight, inclusive, and (C) nine to twelve, inclusive, (3) be translated into multiple languages, including English, Spanish, Portuguese, French and Polish, and (4) include a glossary of the most common tools used in the implementation of such program or plan. The department shall make such handout available to local and regional boards of education and post such handout available on the department’s Internet web site.